man bse-structs (Fonctions bibliothèques) - BSE Structure Reference


BSE-Structures - BSE Structure Reference

Document Revised: Wed May 25 23:38:24 2005


CIrecord CBBseCategoryCB;

CIrecord CBBseDotCB;

CIrecord CBBseGConfigCB;

CIrecord CBBseIconCB;

CIrecord CBBseMessageCB;

CIrecord CBBseMidiChannelEventCB;

CIrecord CBBseNoteDescriptionCB;

CIrecord CBBseNoteSequenceCB;

CIrecord CBBsePartControlCB;

CIrecord CBBsePartLinkCB;

CIrecord CBBsePartNoteCB;

CIrecord CBBseProbeCB;

CIrecord CBBseProbeFeaturesCB;

CIrecord CBBseProbeRequestCB;

CIrecord CBBsePropertyCandidatesCB;

CIrecord CBBseSampleFileInfoCB;

CIrecord CBBseSongTimingCB;

CIrecord CBBseThreadInfoCB;

CIrecord CBBseThreadTotalsCB;

CIrecord CBBseTrackPartCB;

CIsequence CBBseCategorySeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseDotSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseIntSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseItemSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseNoteSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBsePartControlSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBsePartLinkSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBsePartNoteSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseProbeRequestSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseProbeSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseStringSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseThreadInfoSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseTrackPartSeqCB;

CIsequence CBBseTypeSeqCB;


CIsequence CBBseThreadInfoSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_thread_infos; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBseThreadInfo** CIthread_infos; T{ thread-infos T}
CIsequence CBBseTrackPartSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_tparts; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBseTrackPart** CItparts; T{ tparts T}
CIsequence CBBsePartLinkSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_plinks; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBsePartLink** CIplinks; T{ plinks T}
CIsequence CBBseDotSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_dots; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBseDot** CIdots; T{ dots T}
CIsequence CBBseCategorySeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_cats; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBseCategory** CIcats; T{ cats T}
CIsequence CBBsePartControlSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_pcontrols; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBsePartControl** CIpcontrols; T{ pcontrols T}

A list of part control events

CIsequence CBBsePartNoteSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_pnotes; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBsePartNote** CIpnotes; T{ pnotes T}

A list of part notes

CIsequence CBBseItemSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_items; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CISfiProxy* CIitems; T{ items T}

A list of BSE items or derived types.

CIsequence CBBseNoteSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_notes; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CISfiInt* CInotes; T{ Note T}
CIsequence CBBseStringSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_strings; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIconst gchar** CIstrings; T{ strings T}
CIsequence CBBseTypeSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_types; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIconst gchar** CItypes; T{ types T}
CIsequence CBBseIntSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_ints; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CISfiInt* CIints; T{ ints T}
CIrecord CBBseGConfigCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIsample_path; T{ Search path of directories, seperated by ":", used to find audio samples. T} CIconst gchar* CIeffect_path; T{ Search path of directories, seperated by ":", used to find BSE effect files. T} CIconst gchar* CIinstrument_path; T{ Search path of directories, seperated by ":", used to find BSE instrument files. T} CIconst gchar* CIscript_path; T{ Search path of directories, seperated by ":", used to find BSE scheme scripts. T} CIconst gchar* CIplugin_path; T{ Search path of directories, seperated by ":", used to find BSE plugins. This path is searched for in addition to the standard BSE plugin location on this system. T} CIconst gchar* CIladspa_path; T{ Search path of directories, seperated by ":", used to find LADSPA plugins. This path is searched for in addition to the standard LADSPA location on this system. LADSPA is the Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API, more informations about LADSPA plugins can be found at T} CISfiInt CIsynth_latency; T{ Processing duration between input and output of a single sample, smaller values increase CPU load T} CISfiInt CIsynth_mixing_freq; T{ Synthesis mixing frequency, common values are: 22050, 44100, 48000 T} CISfiInt CIsynth_control_freq; T{ Frequency at which control values are evaluated, should be much smaller than Synth Mixing Frequency to reduce CPU load T} CISfiBool CIinvert_sustain; T{ Invert the state of sustain (damper) pedal so on/off meanings are reversed T} CISfiReal CIstep_volume_d_b; T{ Step width for volume in decibel T} CISfiInt CIstep_bpm; T{ Step width for beats per minute T}
CIrecord CBBseThreadTotalsCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIBseThreadInfo* CImain; T{ main T} CIBseThreadInfo* CIsequencer; T{ sequencer T} CIBseThreadInfoSeq* CIsynthesis; T{ synthesis T}
CIrecord CBBseThreadInfoCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Thread Name T} CISfiChoice CIstate; T{ The execution state of the thread T} CISfiInt CIthread_id; T{ A unique number identifying this thread T} CISfiInt CIpriority; T{ The nice value of a thread, -20 indicates a high priority thread and +19 a low priority one that is 'nice' to others T} CISfiInt CIprocessor; T{ The processor that this thread is currently being executed on T} CISfiInt CIutime; T{ The CPU time spent executing instructions of this thread T} CISfiInt CIstime; T{ The CPU time spent in the system for this thread T} CISfiInt CIcutime; T{ The CPU time spent executing instructions of children of this thread T} CISfiInt CIcstime; T{ The CPU time spent in the system for children of this thread T}
CIrecord CBBseMessageCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIlog_domain; T{ log-domain T} CISfiChoice CItype; T{ type T} CIconst gchar* CIident; T{ ident T} CIconst gchar* CIlabel; T{ label T} CIconst gchar* CItitle; T{ title T} CIconst gchar* CIprimary; T{ primary T} CIconst gchar* CIsecondary; T{ secondary T} CIconst gchar* CIdetails; T{ details T} CIconst gchar* CIconfig_check; T{ config-check T} CISfiProxy CIjanitor; T{ janitor T} CIconst gchar* CIprocess; T{ process T} CISfiInt CIpid; T{ pid T}
CIrecord CBBseSampleFileInfoCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIfile; T{ Filename T} CISfiInt CIsize; T{ File Size T} CISfiNum CImtime; T{ Modification Time T} CIconst gchar* CIloader; T{ Loader T} CIBseStringSeq* CIwaves; T{ waves T} CISfiInt CIerror; T{ BseErrorType T}
CIrecord CBBseSongTimingCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CItick; T{ Current tick T} CISfiReal CIbpm; T{ Beats per minute T} CISfiInt CInumerator; T{ Number of notes per measure T} CISfiInt CIdenominator; T{ Type of notes counted per measure T} CISfiInt CItpqn; T{ Ticks per quarter note T} CISfiInt CItpt; T{ Ticks per tact T} CISfiReal CIstamp_ticks; T{ Ticks per stamp increment (valid only during playback) T}
CIrecord CBBseTrackPartCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CISfiProxy CIpart; T{ part T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Duration T}
CIrecord CBBsePartLinkCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiProxy CItrack; T{ track T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CISfiProxy CIpart; T{ part T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Duration T}
CIrecord CBBseDotCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiReal CIx; T{ x T} CISfiReal CIy; T{ y T}
CIrecord CBBseCategoryCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIcategory_id; T{ Category ID T} CIconst gchar* CIcategory; T{ category T} CISfiInt CImindex; T{ mindex T} CISfiInt CIlindex; T{ lindex T} CIconst gchar* CItype; T{ type T} CIBseIcon* CIicon; T{ icon T}
CIrecord CBBseIconCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIbytes_per_pixel; T{ Bytes Per Pixel (3:RGB, 4:RGBA, 0:NONE) T} CISfiInt CIwidth; T{ Width in pixels or 0 for no icon T} CISfiInt CIheight; T{ Height in pixels or 0 for no icon T} CISfiBBlock* CIpixels; T{ Pixel array of width*height*bytes_per_pixel bytes T}

BSE icon representation.

CIrecord CBBseNoteSequenceCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIoffset; T{ Center/base note T} CIBseNoteSeq* CInotes; T{ Sequence of notes T}
CIrecord CBBseNoteDescriptionCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIoctave; T{ Octave T} CISfiReal CIfreq; T{ Frequency T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine Tune T} CISfiInt CIsemitone; T{ Semitone T} CISfiBool CIupshift; T{ upshift T} CISfiInt CIletter; T{ International abbreviation letter for this note T} CIconst gchar* CIname; T{ Name T} CISfiInt CImax_fine_tune; T{ Max Fine Tune T} CISfiInt CIkammer_note; T{ Kammer Note T}

A note description provides all necessary details about a specific note. Various procedures exist to retrieve a note description; given different key values. The max_fine_tune and kammer_note fields are constants; which are provided for compatibility reasons and will vanish in future APIs.

CIrecord CBBsePartControlCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CISfiChoice CIcontrol_type; T{ control-type T} CISfiReal CIvalue; T{ Value T} CISfiBool CIselected; T{ Selected T}

Part specific control event representation

CIrecord CBBsePartNoteCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIid; T{ ID T} CISfiInt CIchannel; T{ Channel T} CISfiInt CItick; T{ Tick T} CISfiInt CIduration; T{ Duration in number of ticks T} CISfiInt CInote; T{ Note T} CISfiInt CIfine_tune; T{ Fine Tune T} CISfiReal CIvelocity; T{ Velocity T} CISfiBool CIselected; T{ Selected T}

Part specific note representation

CIrecord CBBsePropertyCandidatesCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIconst gchar* CIlabel; T{ label T} CIconst gchar* CItooltip; T{ tooltip T} CIBseItemSeq* CIitems; T{ items T} CIBseTypeSeq* CIpartitions; T{ List of types which may logically partition the list of items by type discrimination T}

A strcuture describing tentative property values.

CIrecord CBBseMidiChannelEventCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiChoice CIevent_type; T{ event-type T} CISfiInt CIchannel; T{ Channel T} CISfiNum CItick_stamp; T{ Time Stamp T} CISfiReal CIfrequency; T{ Frequency T} CISfiReal CIvelocity; T{ Velocity T} CISfiInt CIcontrol; T{ Control Number T} CISfiReal CIvalue; T{ Value T} CISfiInt CIprogram; T{ Program T} CISfiReal CIintensity; T{ Intensity T} CISfiReal CIpitch_bend; T{ Pitch Bend T} CISfiInt CIsong_pointer; T{ Song Pointer T} CISfiInt CIsong_number; T{ Song Number T}
CIsequence CBBseProbeRequestSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_probe_requests; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBseProbeRequest** CIprobe_requests; T{ probe-requests T}
CIsequence CBBseProbeSeqCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CIguint CIn_probes; T{ C language specific number of elements T} CIBseProbe** CIprobes; T{ probes T}
CIrecord CBBseProbeRequestCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiProxy CIsource; T{ source T} CISfiInt CIchannel_id; T{ channel-id T} CISfiInt CIblock_size; T{ block-size T} CIBseProbeFeatures* CIprobe_features; T{ probe-features T}
CIrecord CBBseProbeCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiInt CIchannel_id; T{ channel-id T} CISfiNum CIblock_stamp; T{ block-stamp T} CIBseProbeFeatures* CIprobe_features; T{ probe-features T} CISfiReal CImix_freq; T{ mix-freq T} CISfiReal CImin; T{ min T} CISfiReal CImax; T{ max T} CISfiReal CIenergie; T{ energie T} CISfiFBlock* CIsample_data; T{ sample-data T} CISfiFBlock* CIfft_data; T{ fft-data T}
CIrecord CBBseProbeFeaturesCB CB{ nokeep; l l l. CISfiBool CIprobe_range; T{ probe-range T} CISfiBool CIprobe_energie; T{ probe-energie T} CISfiBool CIprobe_samples; T{ probe-samples T} CISfiBool CIprobe_fft; T{ probe-fft T}


BSE Procedures (bse-procs(3))

Document Revised: Wed May 25 23:38:24 2005