man new_PConnection (Fonctions bibliothèques) - new_PConnection


new_PConnection - create a new connection to a PalmOS device




#include <palm.h>#include <pconn/pconn.h>new_PConnection char *device const pconn_listen_t listenType const pconn_proto_t protocol const unsigned short flags


creates and initializes a new This represents a connection to a Palm device, similar to a socket or a telephone. does not connect to the Palm, it merely creates an object that can connect later (in the telephone analogy, it builds the phone but doesn't dial it). The should be closed and destroyed with PConnClose .

device specifies the pathname of the Palm device, e.g. /dev/cuaa0 for a serial port. If device is NULL or the special string 'stdin', uses standard input and standard output.

listenType specifies the underlying connection to the Palm cradle. It is one of:

Serial connection, including USB connections through /dev/ttyUSB1 under Linux.
TCP connection. The device argument is ignored.
USB connection under *BSD. device should be

protocol specifies the software protocol to use to communicate with the Palm cradle. This should be one of:

Guess at the correct protocol. This will usually be correct, but not always.
Use the DLP, PADP, and SLP protocols. This is the default for LISTEN_SERIAL and LISTEN_USB .
Use the DLP protocol and a variant of the NetSync protocol. This is currently only used by Palm m500s and m505s.
Use the DLP and NetSync protocols. This is the default for LISTEN_NET .

flags is the bitwise-or of PCONNFL_TRANSIENT , PCONNFL_PROMPT . and PCONNFL_NOCHANGESPEED . If PCONN_TRANSIENT has been specified, the device may or may not exist at any given time, so that if open() fails to open the device because the file does not exist (ENOENT), this is not an error. This is useful in conjunction with devfs.

If PCONN_PROMPT has been specified, will prompt the user to press the HotSync button on the cradle, after the device has been opened.

If PCONN_NOCHANGESPEED has been specified, will not attept to change the change the speed of the connection that specified by the palm, which breaks modem connections.


returns a pointer to a new or NULL in case of error.


libpconn(3) ,PConnClose() PConn_bind()