- SoLocation2Event
2D location events
distance-based level-of-detail switching group node
- SoMaterial
surface material definition node
- SoMaterialBinding
node that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes
- SoMatrixTransform
node that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix
- SoMemoryError
memory error handling
- SoMFBitMask
multiple-value field containing any number of masks of bit flags
- SoMFBool
multiple-value field containing any number of boolean values
- SoMFColor
multiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats
- SoMFEngine
multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to engines
- SoMFEnum
multiple-value field containing any number of enumerated type values
- SoMFFloat
multiple-value field containing any number of floating point values
- SoMField
base class for all multiple-valued fields
- SoMFInt32
multiple-value field containing any number of int32_t integers
- SoMFLong
synonym for SoMFInt32
- SoMFMatrix
multiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices
- SoMFName
multiple-value field containing any number of names
- SoMFNode
multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to nodes
- SoMFPath
multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to paths
- SoMFPlane
field containing several plane equations
- SoMFRotation
Multiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations.
- SoMFShort
multiple-value field containing any number of short integers
- SoMFString
multiple-value field containing any number of strings
- SoMFTime
multiple-value field containing any number of SbTime values
- SoMFUInt32
multiple-value field containing any number of uint32_tegers
- SoMFULong
synonym for SoMFUInt32
- SoMFUShort
multiple-value field containing any number of unsigned short integers
- SoMFVec2f
multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
- SoMFVec3f
multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
- SoMFVec4f
multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
- SoMotion3Event
3D motion events
- SoMouseButtonEvent
mouse button press and release events
- SoMultipleCopy
group node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices
- SoNode
abstract base class for all database nodes
- SoNodeKit
initializes nodekit classes
- SoNodekitCatalog
nodekit catalog class
- SoNodeKitDetail
stores detail information about a nodekit
- SoNodeKitListPart
group node with restricted children
- SoNodeKitPath
path that points to a list of hierarchical nodekits
- SoNodeList
maintains a list of pointers to nodes
- SoNodeSensor
sensor class that can be attached to Inventor nodes
- SoNonIndexedShape
abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes
- SoNormal
node that defines surface normals for shapes
- SoNormalBinding
node that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes
- SoNurbsCurve
NURBS curve shape node
- SoNurbsProfile
NURBS profile curve
- SoNurbsSurface
NURBS surface shape node
- SoOffscreenRenderer
renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures
- SoOneShot
timer that runs for a pre-set amount of time
- SoOneShotSensor
sensor for one-time only callbacks