- destroy_rle_sprite
Destroys an RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_sample
Destroys a sample structure when you are done with it. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_scene
Deallocates the memory used by a scene. Allegro game programming library.
- destroy_zbuffer
Destroys a Z-buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- detect_digi_driver
Detects whether the specified digital sound device is available. Allegro game programming library.
- detect_midi_driver
Detects whether the specified MIDI sound device is available. Allegro game programming library.
Stores a GUI description. Allegro game programming library.
- dialog_message
Sends a message to all the objects in an array. Allegro game programming library.
Stores GUI data internally used by Allegro.
- digi_recorder
Hook notifying you when a new sample buffer becomes available. Allegro game programming library.
- disable_hardware_cursor
Disables the OS hardware cursor. Allegro game programming library.
- dot_product
Calculates the dot product. Allegro game programming library.
- dot_product_f
See dot_product.3alleg
- do_arc
Calculates all the points in a circular arc. Allegro game programming library.
- do_circle
Calculates all the points in a circle. Allegro game programming library.
- do_dialog
Basic dialog manager function. Allegro game programming library.
- do_ellipse
Calculates all the points in an ellipse. Allegro game programming library.
- do_line
Calculates all the points along a line. Allegro game programming library.
- do_menu
Displays an animates a popup menu. Allegro game programming library.
- do_uconvert
Converts a string to another encoding format. Allegro game programming library.
- drawing_mode
Sets the graphics drawing mode. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_character_ex
Draws non transparent pixels of the sprite with a color. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_compiled_sprite
Draws a compiled sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_gouraud_sprite
Draws a sprite with gouraud shading. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_lit_rle_sprite
Draws a tinted RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_lit_sprite
Draws a sprite tinted with a specific color. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_rle_sprite
Draws an RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite
Draws a copy of the sprite onto the destination bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_h_flip
See draw_sprite_v_flip.3alleg
- draw_sprite_vh_flip
See draw_sprite_v_flip.3alleg
- draw_sprite_v_flip
Draws the sprite transformed to the destination bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_trans_rle_sprite
Draws a translucent RLE sprite. Allegro game programming library.
- draw_trans_sprite
Draws a sprite blending it with the destination. Allegro game programming library.
- d_bitmap_proc
Dialog procedure drawing a bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- d_box_proc
Dialog procedure drawing boxes onto the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- d_button_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a button object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_check_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a check box object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_clear_proc
Dialog procedure to clear the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- d_ctext_proc
See d_text_proc.3alleg
- d_edit_proc
Dialog procedure implementing an editable text object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_icon_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a bitmap button. Allegro game programming library.
- d_keyboard_proc
Invisible dialog procedure for implementing keyboard shortcuts. Allegro game programming library.
- d_list_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a list box object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_menu_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a menu bar object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_radio_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a radio button object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_rtext_proc
See d_text_proc.3alleg
- d_shadow_box_proc
See d_box_proc.3alleg
- d_slider_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a slider control object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_textbox_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a text box object. Allegro game programming library.
- d_text_list_proc
Dialog procedure implementing a list box object with type ahead. Allegro game programming library.