- ureadkey
Returns the next unicode character from the keyboard buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- uremove
Removes a character from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- usetat
Replaces a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- usetc
Low level helper function for writing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- usprintf
Writes formatted data into a buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcat
Concatenates a string to another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrchr
Finds the first occurrence of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcmp
Compares two strings. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcpy
Copies a string into another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrdup
Duplicates a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrerror
Returns a string describing errno. Allegro game programming library.
- ustricmp
Compares two strings ignoring case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrlen
Tells the number of characters in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrlwr
Replaces all letters with lower case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncat
Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncmp
Compares up to n letters of two strings. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncpy
Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrnicmp
Compares up to n letters of two strings ignoring case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrpbrk
Finds the first character that matches any in a set. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrrchr
Finds the last occurence of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrsize
Size of the string in bytes without null terminator. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrsizez
Size of the string in bytes including null terminator. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrstr
Finds the first occurence of a string in another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtod
Converts a string into a floating point number. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok
Retrieves tokens from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok_r
Reentrant function to retrieve tokens from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtol
Converts a string into an integer. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrupr
Replaces all letters with upper case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzcat
Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzcpy
Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzncat
Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrzncpy
Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- uszprintf
Writes formatted data into a buffer, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- utolower
Converts a letter to lower case. Allegro game programming library.
- utoupper
Converts a letter to upper case. Allegro game programming library.
- uvsprintf
Writes formatted data into a buffer, using variable arguments. Allegro game programming library.
- uvszprintf
Writes formatted data into a buffer, using size and variable arguments. Allegro game programming library.
- uwidth
Low level helper function for testing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- uwidth_max
Number of bytes a character can occupy. Allegro game programming library.
- V3D
Fixed point vertex structure used by 3d functions. Allegro game programming library.
- V3D_f
Floating point vertex structure used by 3d functions. Allegro game programming library.
- vector_length
Calculates the length of a vector. Allegro game programming library.
- vector_length_f
See vector_length.3alleg
See VIRTUAL_W.3alleg
Global define to obtain the virtual size of the screen. Allegro game programming library.
- vline
Draws a vertical line onto the bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_check
Checks whether a voice is currently allocated. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_frequency
Returns the current pitch of the voice. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_pan
Returns the current pan position. Allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_position
Returns the current position of a voice. Allegro game programming library.