- smicache
caching method for use with libsmi
- smidiff
check differences between a pair of SMI or SPPI modules
- smidump
dump SMI or SPPI modules in various formats
- smil2raw
Convert a Kino smil project or compatible media files to Raw DV.
- smil2wav
Convert a Raw DV stream to a WAV.
- smil2yuv
Convert a Raw DV stream to Raw YUV.
- smilint
syntax and semantic checks of SMIv1/v2 and SPPI modules
- smilutils
A collection of utilities based on kino's SMIL project format
and supported file formats (Raw DV, DV AVI 1 and 2 and libquicktime DV
encoded MOV).
- smime
S/MIME utility
- smiquery
query single information from SMI MIB modules
- smistrip
extract MIB or PIB modules from text files, like RFCs or I-Ds
- smjs
javascript shell
- sml
SML compiler
- smokeping
Commandline tool for SmokePing
- smokeping.cgi
SmokePing webfrontend
- smpeg-config
script to get information about the installed version of SMPEG
- smproxy
Session Manager Proxy
- sms
a program to send SMs via Polish GSM operators.
- smsaddr
sms program addressbook management program.
- smssend
Le programme d'envoie de sms (vers GSM)
- smssend.scripting
Le programme d'envoie de sms (vers GSM)
- sms_address
Lookup and expand an sms_client address.
- sms_client
send messages to mobiles and pagers.
- smtm
Display and update a configurable ticker of global stock quotes
- smtp-sink
multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test server
- smtp-source
multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test generator
- smtptest
interactive SMTP test program
- smujajgau
Dictionary builder for use with jbofihe and cmafihe
- sn
Digitally sign/verify/compare strongname on CLR assemblies.
- snac
GTK Simple Algebraic Calculator
- snacc
ASN.1 to C, C++ or type table Compiler
- snacc-config
script to get information about the installed version of snacc
- snacced
Graphical editor for BER encoded ASN.1 files
- snappea
for creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- snarf
Simple Non-interactive All-purpose Resource Fetcher
- snd
a sound editor
- sndfile-convert
convert a sound files from one format to another
- sndfile-info
display information about a sound file
- sndfile-play
play a sound file
- sndinfo
display basic information about soundfiles
- snes9x
Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
- sng
compiler/decompiler for Scriptable Network Graphics
- sng_regress
a regression test harness for sng
- snmpbulkget
communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETBULK requests.
- snmpbulkwalk
retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETBULK requests
- snmpcmd
options and behaviour common to most of the Net-SNMP command-line tools
- snmpconf
creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
- snmpdelta
Monitor delta differences in SNMP Counter values
- snmpdf
display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP
- snmpget
communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET requests