- snmpgetnext
communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETNEXT requests
- snmpkey
Create SNMPv3 security keys for the Net::SNMP module
- snmpnetstat
display networking status and configuration information from a network entity via SNMP
- snmpset
communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests
- snmpstatus
retrieves a fixed set of management information from a network entity
- snmptable
retrieve an SNMP table and display it in tabular form
- snmptest
communicates with a network entity using SNMP requests
- snmptranslate
translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual forms
- snmptrap
sends an SNMP notification to a manager
- snmpusm
creates and maintains SNMPv3 users on a network entity
- snmpvacm
creates and maintains SNMPv3 View-based Access Control entries on a network entity
- snmpwalk
retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT requests
- snooper
- snort2dlf
convert Snort logs to firewall DLF
- snowdrop
text watermarking and watermark recovery
- snowflake
manual page for snowflake - 0.01A
- snownews
- lecteur de news RSS en mode console
- snowsync
snownews subscription list syncing utility
- snp2mipe
Inserts SNP data into MIPE file
based on MIPE version v0.9
arguments: * mipe_file
* STDIN: tab-delimited list of data, in the following order:
PCR ID, SNP ID, SNP pos, SNP amb, SNP rank, SNP remark
- snpp
send pages via SNPP
- snpPosOnDesign
Adds pos_design to SNP
based on MIPE version v1.1
arguments: * mipe_file
* STDIN: tab-delimited list of data, in the following order:
- snpPosOnSource
Adds pos_source to SNP
based on MIPE version v1.1
arguments: * mipe_file
* STDIN: tab-delimited list of data, in the following order:
- sntop
- soapcpp2
The gSOAP Stub and Skeleton Compiler for C and C++
- SOAPsh
Interactive shell for SOAP calls
- soapsuds
Mono's Remoting Proxy Generator
- socat
Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
- sockdown
shutdown(2) a socket
- socket
create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
- socksify
dynamically SOCKSifies a program
- socks_clients
SOCKS client version of finger
rftp - SOCKS client version of ftp
rtelnet - SOCKS client version of telnet
rwhois - SOCKS client version of whois
- sodipodi
a vector based drawing program.
- soelim
interpret .so requests in groff input
- softbeep
Software Bell for Linux
- solarwinds
mesmerizing particle effects saver.
- solfege
GPL'ed ear training software
- somaplayer
the default player for soma
- somaplayer_configure
the somaplayer configure script
- somnec
Compute Sommerfield-Norton Ground Grids
- soqt-config
Display SoQt Library Configuration
- sort
sort, merge, or sequence check text files
- sort
Trier les lignes d'un fichier texte.
- sort-pictures
sort pictures according to exif date
- sortbyquote
sort C/C++ code by quoted regions
- sorter
Sort files in an image into categories based on file type
- sorterr
re-sort .err file by various criteria
- sortm
sort messages
- sortmail
classify incoming mail
- sorune
a Neuros database manager
- sound-monitor_applet
Sound Monitor applet for the GNOME panel.