- d.frame
Manages display frames on the user's graphics monitor.
- d.geodesic
Displays a geodesic line, tracing the shortest distance between two geographic points along a great circle, in a longitude/latitude data set.
- d.graph
Program for generating and displaying simple graphics to the graphics display monitor.
- d.grid
Overlays a user-specified grid in the active display frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.his
Displays the result obtained by combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from user-specified input raster map layers.
- d.histogram
Displays a histogram in the form of a pie or bar chart for a user-specified raster file.
- d.info
Display information about the active display monitor
- d.legend
Displays a legend for a raster map layer in the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.linegraph
Generates and displays simple line graphs in the active graphics monitor display frame.
- d.m
Display manager for GRASS
- d.mapgraph
Generates and displays simple graphics on map layers drawn in the active graphics monitor display frame.
- d.measure
Measures the lengths and areas of features drawn by the user in the active display frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.mon
To establish and control use of a graphics display monitor.
- d.monsize
Selects/starts specified monitor at specified size
- d.nviz
Create fly-through script to run in NVIZ
- d.out.png
Saves active display monitor to PNG file in home directory
- d.paint.labels
Displays text labels formatted for use with GRASS paint (p.labels, p.map) output to the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.path
Find shortest path for selected starting and ending node
- d.profile
Interactive profile plotting utility with optional output.
- d.rast
Displays and overlays raster map layers in the active display frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.rast.arrow
Draws arrows representing cell aspect direction for a raster map containing aspect data.
- d.rast.edit
- d.rast.leg
Displays a raster map and its legend on a graphics window
- d.rast.num
Overlays cell category values on a raster map layer displayed to the graphics monitor.
- d.redraw
- d.resize
Resizes active display monitor
- d.rgb
Displays three user-specified raster map layers as red, green, and blue overlays in the active graphics frame.
- d.rhumbline
Displays the rhumbline joining two user-specified points, in the active frame on the user's graphics monitor.
- d.save
Create a list of commands for recreating screen graphics.
- d.slide.show
Slide show of GRASS raster/vector maps
- d.split
Divides active display into 2 frames & displays maps/executes commands in each frame.
- d.text
Draws text in the active display frame on the graphics monitor using the current font.
- d.text.freetype
Draws text in the graphics monitor's active display frame using TrueType fonts.
- d.title
Outputs a TITLE for a raster map layer in a form suitable for display by d.text.
- d.vect
Displays GRASS vector data in the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.vect.chart
Displays charts of GRASS vector data in the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.what.rast
Allows the user to interactively query the category contents of multiple raster map layers at user specified locations within the current geographic region.
- d.what.vect
Allows the user to interactively query a vector map layer at user-selected locations within the current geographic region.
- d.where
Identifies the geographic coordinates associated with point locations in the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.zoom
Allows the user to change the current geographic region settings interactively, with a mouse.
- d2-getvalue
get and output value(s) from a D2 satellite controller
- d2-reboot
reboot a D2 satellite controller
- d2asc
a program
- dact
compress or expand a file, or stream
- dadadodo
exterminate all rational thought
- daemon
turns other processes into daemons
- dag2html
generates HTML code from genealogic DAGs
- dailystrips
view web comic strips more conveniently
- dailystrips-clean
remove old downloaded dailystrips
- dailystrips-update
download updated dailystrips definitions