- drscheme
The PLT Scheme programming environment
- drsync
rsync wrapper for synchronizing file repositories which are changed
in both sides
- ds9
image tool for astronomy
- dsa
DSA key processing
- dsaparam
DSA parameter manipulation and generation
- dscverify
vérifie la validité d'un paquet Debian
- dselect
Debian package management frontend
- dsh
Distributed shell, or dancer's shell
- dshbak
format output from pdsh command
- dspam
DSPAM Anti-Spam Agent
- dspamc
DSPAM Anti-Spam Agent (client)
- dspam_2sql
- dspam_admin
Alter dspam users preferences
- dspam_clean
perform periodic maintenance of metadata
- dspam_corpus
corpus-feed a corpus of mail
- dspam_crc
calculate the dspam CRC of arbitrary token
- dspam_dump
produce a dump of a user's metadata
- dspam_genaliases
generate mail aliases for Dspam learning module
- dspam_logrotate
Helper for Dspam log files rotation
- dspam_merge
merge several users' metadata into a composite
- dspam_stats
display spam statistics
- dsr2html
Render DICOM SR file and data set to HTML
- dsr2xml
Convert DICOM SR file and data set to XML
- dsrdump
Dump DICOM SR file and data set
- dstat
Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics
- dsumap
update location on DatastormUsers.com map
- dtach
simple program that emulates the detach feature of screen.
- dtaus
Converter for DTAUS files
- dtd2html
generate HTML files to support hypertext navi-
gation of an SGML DTD
- dtd2xsd
XML Schema generator from XML document that contains DTD.
- dtddiff
show differences between two SGML Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
- dtdtree
generate a tree view of an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD)
- dtdview
interactively study an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD)
- dtemacs
contact Emacs with gnuclient, starting Emacs if no answer.
- dtmfdial
DTMF tone generator
- dtos8cvt
tape conversion utility
- dtplite
Lightweight DocTools Markup Processor
- du
estimate file space usage
- du
Statistiques sur l'utilisation du disque.
- dualcoax
determine impedance of a coaxial structure with two concentric dielectrics.
- duali
The Arabic Spell Checker.
- dubdv
insert audio into a digital video stream
- dump
dump -- Interchange session dumper
- dump-mixers
dump OSS mixer settings to standard output
- dump2dcm
Convert ASCII dump to DICOM file
- dumpasn1
ASN.1 object dump/syntax check program
- dumpiso
dump IEEE 1394 isochronous channel packets
- dumpkeys
dump keyboard translation tables
- dumpleases
display leases granted by udhcp server
- dumppsf
converts psf file to readable ASCII file.