- mtcvtfix
magtape conversion utility
- mtcvtodd
magtape conversion utility
- mtcvtv23
magtape conversion utility
- mtdump
magtape conversion utility
- mtinkc
program to choose which EPSON printers to control
- mtools
utilities to access DOS disks in Unix.
- MToolsFM
graphical user interface to the mtools diskette package for UNIX
- mtoolstest
tests and displays the configuration
- mtop
Shows top mysql threads
- mtrace
Interpret output from MALLOC_TRACE
- mtt
teletext browser for X11 and console.
- mtvtoppm
convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap
- mtx
control SCSI media changer devices
- mtype
display contents of an MSDOS file
- muddleftpd
ftp server
- mudlogd
log manager for muddleftpd(1)
- mudpasswd
manage muddleftpd(1) password files
- muh
a versatile irc-bouncer
- muine
Simple music player for GNOME.
- multi-aterm
a tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X-Window
- multi-gnome-terminal
An enhanced terminal emulator for GNOME.
- multicd
program to backup your data to CD-R/CD-RW
- multiload_applet
Multiload (cpu, load average, memory, net, swap) applet for the GNOME panel.
- multimix
automatically discover classes in data
- multimon
program to decode radio transmissions
- multisync
- multisynk
KDE synchronization application
- multitail
browse through several files at once
- multitee
send multiple inputs to multiple outputs
- munpack
unpack messages in MIME or split-uuencode format
- mup2ly
manual page for mup2ly 2.6.3
- mupdatetest
interactive MUPDATE test program
- muscle
Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment
- muscleTool
program manage and personalize your MuscleCard smartcards
- muse-song-convert
convert between MusE songfile formats
- music-librarian
organize music files on your hard drive
- music123
plays various sound files (usually including MP3, Ogg and Wav).
- mutagen-inspect
view Mutagen-supported audio tags
- mutagen-pony
scan a collection of MP3 files
- mute
use aumix to mute your soundcard
- mutella
A command line and HTTP-based Gnutella servent
- mutt
The Mutt Mail User Agent
- muttprofile
Choose a Mutt Profile
- mutt_dotlock
Lock mail spool files.
- mutt_ldap_query
Query LDAP server for Mutt mail-reader
- mv
move files
- mv
Déplacer ou renommer des fichiers.
- mvdic
Tool for renaming a user dictionary
- mvl2lxt
Coverts MVLSIM AET files to LXT
- mvl2vcd
Coverts MVLSIM AET files to VCD