- imls
list up the contents of the folder
- immknmz
make namazu index for mail folders
- immv
file mail/news message in other folders
- imon
watch ISDN activities
- imontty
display status of all ISDN lines
- impack
pack mail/news messages in a folder
- impala
See blast.1
- impath
print full pathnames of a mail/news folder
- import
saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it as an image file. You can capture a single window, the entire screen, or any rectangular portion of the screen.
- import-sampleschool
imports sample school data into SchoolTool
- impose
impose is used for two-up printing of DSC complient postscript. It makes an effort to remove white space from the printout by probing the original postscript for the bounding box of the printed area. This makes the output much more esthetic than does a simplistic layout of non-cropped original papers.
- imput
put mail/news message into networks
- impwagent
hold passwords for IM
- imrm
remove mail/news messages
- imsetup
setup for IM
- imsort
sort mail/news messages
- imstore
store mail/news message to a folder
- imtar
archiving utility for mail/news messages
- imtest
interactive IMAP test program
- imv
Rename a file by editing the destination name using GNU readline
- imview
displays and interactively analyses images
- imwheel
a mouse wheel and stick interpreter for X Windows
- inc
incorporate new mail
- includemocs
includemocs -- handle mocifyable headers, whose .moc file is nowhere included.
- includeres
filter to include resources in a PostScript document
- incm
Incorporating new mails for Mew
- indent
changes the appearance of a C program by inserting or deleting whitespace.
- index
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS,
is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management
and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling,
and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings
around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental
consulting companies.
- index++
SWISH++ indexer
- indexmaker
Creates index files for mrtg web sites (mrtg-2.12.2)
- indexpub
index an ASN.1 Pub-set by Medline UID
- index_dump
Show the content of the index file
- indiserver
INDI server for telescope control under KStars
- indxbib
make inverted index for bibliographic databases
- inetmask
ask for the netmask via ICMP
- inetutils-ftp
- inetutils-talk
- inetutils-telnet
- inews
`user-friendly' news-posting front-ends for relaynews
- inews
Post a Usenet article to the local news server
- info
read Info documents
- info2man
generate man pages from info documents
- info2pod
generate POD files from info documents
- info2www
read info files with a WWW browser
- infocmp
compare or print out terminfo descriptions
- infokey
compile customizations for Info
- inform
interactive fiction compiler
- infotocap
convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
- inijmpost
manual page for jMetaPost (Web2C 7.3.1) 0.04 (EUC), based on MetaPost 0.641
- init_from_passwd
give your users an initial print quota.