- xxmp
Extended Module Player
- xyz2grd
Converting an ASCII or binary table to grd file format
- xzgv
picture viewer for X, with thumbnail-based file selector
- xzinvtst
- xzinvtstF
- xzl1blastst
- xzl2blastst
- xzl3blastst
- xzllttst
- xzllttstF
- xzlutst
- xzlutstF
- xzoom
magnify part of the screen, with fast updates
- xzslvtst
- xztrtritst
- xztrtritstF
- xzuumtst
- xzuumtstF
- xzwrite
X application to write to another user via Zephyr
- x_edit
convert between binary and ASCII crossover correction tables.
- x_init
Initialization of Cross-Over Data Bases.
- x_list
Extract Cross-Over Information from the Data Base.
- x_over
Find and compute Cross-Over Errors
- x_remove
Remove COEs for Selected Cruises from the Data Base
- x_report
Report Cross-Over Error Statistics for Cruises
- x_setup
Determine Pairs of Legs that need Cross-Over Checking
- x_solve_dc_drift
Find Best-fitting D.C.-shift and Drift Estimates
- x_system
A Cross-Over Error Analysis Tool
- x_update
Archiving of Cross-Over Information
- y2racc
Yacc grammar to racc grammar
- y4mcolorbars
Create a YUV4MPEG2 stream containing a colorbar test pattern
- y4mdenoise
Motion-compensating YUV4MPEG-frame denoiser
- y4mtopnm
Convert a YUV4MPEG2 stream to PNM images
- y4mtoppm
Convert YUV4MPEG2 stream to PPM images
- y4munsharp
Unsharp filter for YUV4MPEG2 streams
- yabasic
yet another Basic
- yacas
small and flexible general-purpose computer algebra system
- yacc
yet another compiler compiler (DEVELOPMENT)
- yaclc
check the bug closings in a Debian changelog
- yacpi
YACPI- Yet Another Configuration and Power Interface
- yada
Yet Another Debianisation Aid
- yafc
Yet another FTP client
- yafray
Yet Another Free RAYtracer
- yagi
Yagi-Uda project antenna current calculator
- yahoo2mbox
Retrieve and store Yahoo! Groups messages
- yahooquote
Get stock quotes from Yahoo!
- yample
Yet Another Mail Processing Language.
- yank
Yet Another NoteKeeper
- yapp
A perl frontend to the Parse::Yapp module
- yapps
create a Python module from a grammar file