- nyquist
A computer programming language for software sound synthesis and music composition
- nzb
nzb based Usenet binary grabber
- oafd
the GNOME Object Activation Daemon.
- obconf
configuration utility for Openbox.
- obexftp
Mobile Equipment file transfer tool
- obexftpd
Recieve files from/to Mobile Equipment.
- obexserver
receive files with OBEX protocol and Bluetooth
- objcopy
copy and translate object files
- objdump
display information from object files.
- ocaml
The Objective Caml interactive toplevel
- ocamlc
The Objective Caml bytecode compiler
- ocamlcp
The Objective Caml profiling compiler
- ocamlcvs2.byte
GUI to manipulate CVS-managed files.
- ocamldebug
the Objective Caml source-level replay debugger.
- ocamldep
Dependency generator for Objective Caml
- ocamldoc
The Objective Caml documentation generator
- ocamldot
generate dependency graphs of ocaml programs
- ocamldsort
Dependency sorter for OCaml source files
- ocamldumpobj
disassembler for OCaml executable and .cmo object files
- ocamlfind
[Command-line interface of the Package manager]c
- ocamllex
The Objective Caml lexer generator
- ocamlmklib
generate libraries with mixed C / Caml code.
- ocamlmktop
Building custom toplevel systems
- ocamlobjinfo
dump an OCaml compilation unit description
- ocamlopt
The Objective Caml native-code compiler
- ocamlprof
The Objective Caml profiler
- ocamlrpcgen
Ocaml module generator for RPC message handling
- ocamlrun
The Objective Caml bytecode interpreter
- ocamlyacc
The Objective Caml parser generator
- occ
OpenC++ compiler
- oclock
round X clock
- ocp
music player
- ocrad
manual page for Ocrad version 0.13
- ocs
creates and maintains the database for cscope on a recursive directory set
- ocsp
Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
- octave-2.1.72
A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
- octave-bug-2.1.72
report a bug in GNU Octave
- octave-config-2.1.72
GNU Octave component and library information retrieval
- octave-depends-2.1.72
calculates Octave dependencies
- od
dump files in various formats
- od
Afficher le contenu d'un fichier en octal ou sous d'autres formats.
- ODBCConfig
Qt-based ODBC Data Source Administrator
- odbcinst
command line tool for batch ODBC configuration
- ode
numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
Not all man macros define SB (and not all whatis parsers stop on .
- odidx
indexer of document files
- odmgr
administration utility for QDBM Odeum
- odontolinux
manual page for odontolinux
- odot
A task list manager
- odtest
test cases for QDBM Odeum
- odyssey
PIC serial microcontroller programming utility