- genhash
md5 hash generation tool for remote web pages
- genhtml
Generate HTML view from LCOV coverage data files
- geninfo
Generate tracefiles from .da files
- genion
VERSION 3.3_beta_20050823
- genior
Utility for creating a stringified IOR
- genisovh
Make CD-ROMs bootable for SGI MIPS machines
- genotype2mipe
Inserts SNP data into MIPE file
based on MIPE version v0.9
Make sure SNPs are already defined in the USE part of the PCR record.
arguments: * mipe_file
* STDIN: tab-delimited list of data, in the following order:
PCR ID, sample ID, SNP ID, ambiguity code
- genparse
command line parser generator
- genpkglist
generates package list for APT RPM repositories
- genpng
Generate an overview image from a source file
- genpr
VERSION 3.3_beta_20050823
- genrb
- compile a resource bundle
- genresscript
generate resource script from PE and NE binaries
- genrsa
generate an RSA private key
- gensgmlenv
Generate /etc/sgml/sgml.env and /etc/sgml/sgml.cenv
- gensrclist
generates source list for APT RPM repositories
- gentoo
A highly configurable file manager for X
- genxs
Mono's Xml Serializer Generator
- geo-code
- geo-nearest
- geod
direct geodesic computations
invgeod - inverse geodesic computations
- geoiplookup
look up country using IP Address or hostname
- geoipupdate
a program for updating the MaxMind GeoIP databases
- geomview
interactive geometry viewer
- geos-config
returns information about installed GEOS libraries and binaries
- geosat
Calculate Az and El to Geostationary Satellites
- gepp
pre-processor for Eiffel
- gerbv
Gerber Viewer
- geresh
a multilingual text editor with bidi support
- germinate
- gesql
GNU Embedded SQL to Ada 95 translator
- get
get a version of an SCCS file (DEVELOPMENT)
- get-daemontools
Get the daemontools source files.
- get-djbdns
Get the djbdns source files.
- get-edid
read-edid tools to retrieve and interpret
monitor specifications using the VESA VBE DDC protocol
- get-qmailanalog
Fetch qmailanalog source tarball
- get-wsound-flags
- display compiler/linker flags to link with the wsound-library
- getafm
create an AFM file for a PostScript font.
- getconf
get configuration values
- getconf
Query system configuration variables
- getdefs
AutoGen Definition Extraction Tool
- getenforce
get the current mode of SELinux
- getent
get entries from administrative database
- getest
Gobo Eiffel test utility
- getfacl
get file access control lists
- getfattr
get extended attributes of filesystem objects
- getfdprm
print the current format information
- getfeat
extract information about sequences' coding regions
- getfilename
Ask the user to name a file in a given format
- gethostip
convert an IP address into various formats