- fdnsnamep
resolve an IPv4 or IPv6 address to a hostname with paranoid checking
- fdnsspf1
resolve an SPF version 1 record of a hostname
- fdnstxt
resolve a TXT record of a hostname
- fdnstxtlist
resolve a list of TXT records for a hostname
- fdrawcmd
send raw commands to the floppy disk controller
- fdsh
simple shell for fdclone
- fducmd
display the number of disk blocks used per directory or file
- fdupes
finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
- feed2imap
clever RSS/ATOM feed aggregator
- feed2imap-cleaner
Removes old items from IMAP folders
- feed2imap-dumpconfig
Dump feed2imap config
- feed2imap-opmlimport
Convert an OPML subscription list to a feed2imap config file
- Feel
AfterStep feel configuration
- FeelWindowBox
defines placement policy for certain type of windows, based on desk, window attributes, window size, etc. Usefull for xinerama configurations, where windows should not be placed in between screens.
- feh
image viewer and cataloguer
- feh-cam
a utility for viewing live webcam images
gen_cam_menu.sh - a utility for updating Enlightenment user
menus for feh-cam.
- felix
Felix language
- felt
command line based Finite ELemenT engine
- ferm
a firewall rule parser for linux
- festalon
a player for NSF (NES Sound File) music files
- festival
a text-to-speech system.
- festival_client
client access to festiva; text-to-speech server mode
- fet
free evolutionary timetabling
- feta
a frontend to many Debian package-related tools
- fetchfile
fetch file(s) via O-SAFT protocol
- fetchmail
fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
- fetchyahoo
retrieve mail from Yahoo!'s webmail service
- feynmf
Process LaTeX files using FeynMF
- ffind
Find the file or directory name that is using a given inode
- ffindcmd
find files by name or by other characteristics in FSP database
- fflow
generate a flowgraph for fortran files.
- ffmpeg
FFmpeg video converter
- ffmpeg-config
script to get information about the installed version of ffmpeg
- ffmpeg2theora
command-line converter to create Ogg Theora and Ogg
Vorbis files.
- ffplay
FFplay media player
- ffscan
VERSION 3.3_beta_20050823
- ffserver
FFserver video server
- fftw-wisdom
create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
- fftw-wisdom-to-conf
generate FFTW wisdom (pre-planned transforms)
- fftwf-wisdom
create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
- fftwl-wisdom
create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
- fg
run jobs in the foreground
- fgconsole
print the number of the active VT.
- fgetcmd
download files from the FSP database
- fgfs
FlightGear Flight Simulator
- fgjs
FlightGear Joystick Utility
- fgr
File content search engine for xffm
- fgrabcmd
download files from the FSP database
- fhist
file history
- fhostcmd
set environment variables