- scite
a programmers text editor
- sclang
a real time audio synthesis programming language
- scli
SNMP Command Line Interface
- scls
The scls Program
- scm
a Scheme Language Interpreter
- scmxx
exchange data with your Siemens mobile phone
- sco
checkout a project from a subversion repository
- scons
a software construction tool
- sconsign
print SCons .sconsign file information
- score-reading-trainer
- Score Reading Trainer helps you improve your musical score reading skills.
- scot
- scout
Monitors the File Server process
- scp
- scpio
copy file archives in and out (LEGACY)
- scponly
- scpr
The scpr Program
- scram
an extensible VHDL analyzer/code generator
- screader
Screen reader using a software Text-To-Speech package or
a hardware speech synthesizer.
- screem
A GNOME website development enviro
- screen
screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
- screendump
dump the contents of a virtual console to stdout
- screenshooter_applet
Screen-Shooter applet for the GNOME panel.
- screentest
utility for testing the quality of CRT screens.
- scribus
open source WYSIWYG desktop publishing app
- script
- scriptor
Perl script to send commands to a smart card
- scriptreplay
play back typescripts, using timing information
- scripts4ticker
small scripts to dowload headlines for ticker.app
- scrollkeeper-config
print ScrollKeeper configuration information
- scrollkeeper-gen-seriesid
generate a unique id for a document
series for use in an OMF metadata file
- scrollz-1.9.2
An advanced ircII-based IRC client
- scrot
Screen capture using imlib2
- scs2ascii
convert IBM SCS printer data into ASCII
- scs2pdf
convert IBM SCS printer data into PDF
- scs2ps
convert IBM SCS printer data into PostScript
- scsh-0.6
a Scheme shell
- scsitape
control SCSI tape devices
- scsi_vendor
script displays SCSI vendors
- scsort
- scsynth
supercollider audio synthesis server
- sctp_darn
Send and receive messages via SCTP
- sctp_test
Send and receive messages via SCTP
- sdate
never ending September date
- sdcc
Small Device C Compiler
- sdcclib
SDCC librarian
- sdcdb
Source debugger for SDCC
- sdcpp
C preprocessor for SDCC
- sdcv
console version of Stardict program
- sdd
disk dump and restore to and from tape or file; copy and/or reblock
- sdf
SDF Conversion Utility