- palm2mhc
Add Palm articles to a MHC repository
- palmdev-prep
Prepare PalmDev trees for use with prc-tools
- palmtopnm
convert a Palm pixmap into a portable anymap
- paltohdf
See hdftopal.1
- pam-dotfile-gen
change password for libpam-dotfile
- pamcut
cut a rectangle out of a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image
- pamdeinterlace
remove ever other row from a PAM/PNM image
- pamdice
slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically
- pamfile
describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
- pamoil
turn a PAM image into an oil painting
- pamstack
stack planes of multiple PAM images into one PAM image
- pamstretch
scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between pixels
- pamstretch-gen
use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer values
- pamtest
test pam configuration
- pan
A GTK-based newsreader formerly known as the Pimp A** Newsreader
- pand
BlueZ Bluetooth PAN daemon
- panel-test-applets
display installed applets
- pango-querymodules
Module registration utility
- panoinfo
Panorama Tools Informations
- pap
client interface to remote printers using Printer Access Protocol
- paperconf
- print paper configuration informations
- papercut
simple and extensible NNTP server
- par
filter for reformatting paragraphs
- par.pl
Make and run Perl Archives
- par2
PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
- par2create
PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
- par2repair
PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
- par2verify
PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
- paragui-config
script to get information about the installed version of
- paralogger
to set up a "root tail" window
- paratrace
Parasitic Traceroute via Established TCP Flows & IPID Hopcount
- parchive
RAID like data recovery for PAR ver 1.0 files
- parl
Binary PAR Loader
- parrot
- parrot-config
Print a Parrot configuration item
- parrot-debugger
The Parrot debugger
- parseblast
Filtering High-scoring Segment Pairs (HSPs) from WU/NCBI BLAST.
- parsechangelog
parse Debian changelogs and output them in other formats
- parsewiki
transform marked text into HTML, XHTML, Docbook or LaTeX
- partedit
Crystalspace tool
- partimage
back up and restore disk partitions
- party
set OS responses mode
- pas2html
generates highlighted html-files from Pascal or Modula-2 source
- pasmo
Z80 assembler
- passwd
mettre à jour les marques d'authentification d'un utilisateur.
- passwd
compute password hashes
- passwdehd
changes a user's efsk
- paste
merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files
- paste
Regrouper les lignes de différents fichiers.
- pat
patch generator tools