- hprm
remove a file or directory on an HFS+ volume
- hpset
- hpumount
unmount an HFS+ volume
- hpwd
print the full path to the current HFS working directory
- hrename
rename or move an HFS file or directory
- hrmdir
remove an empty HFS directory
- hsetroot
- Another Wallpaper Application
- hsftp
ftp emulator for ssh1
- hspell
Hebrew spellchecker
- hspell-gui
hspell gui front-end
- hsqldb-databasemanager
GUI database management tool
- hsqldb-databasemanagerswing
GUI database management tool
- hsqldb-querytool
GUI database management tool
- hsqldb-sqltool
JDBC database console frontend
- hsqldb-transfer
transfers data from one JDBC database to another
- htag
Add taglines and sigs to email, news and fidonet messages.
- htags
generate hypertext from source code.
- htc
httptunnel client
- htcheck
manual page for ht://Check 1.2.3
- htconfig
create/update GLOBAL gsearch.cgi files
- htdig
retrieve HTML documents for ht://Dig search engine
- htdig-pdfparser
parse a PDF document (wrapper script for htdig)
- htdigest
manage user files for digest authentication
- htdump
write out an ASCII-text version of the document database
- hte
executable's editor
- htfuzzy
creates indexes for different ``fuzzy'' search algorithms for
the ht:://Dig search engine
- htload
reads in an ASCII-text version of the document database
- htmake
create GLOBAL hypertext source searchable by gsearch.cgi
- htmerge
create document index and word database for the ht://Dig
search engine
- html2h
a html preprocessor for libecgi library
- html2pdbtxt
HTML to Doc Text converter for Palm Pilots
- html2ps
convert HTML to PostScript
- html2text
an advanced HTML-to-text converter
- html2wiki
An HTML to wiki markup converter
- html2wml
Html2Wml Program that can convert HTML pages to WML pages
- htmlclean
a small script to clean up existing HTML
- htmldoc
convert html source files into html, postscript, or pdf.
- htmlpp
A Perl based HTML preprocessor
- htmltoc
add table of contents to HTML document
- htnotify
sends email notifications about out-dated web pages discovered by htmerge
- htop
interactive process viewer
- htp
HTML preprocessor
- htpasswd
Manage user files for basic authentication
- htpasswd-caudium
sets the .htaccess password for the specified user
- hts
httptunnel server
- htsearch
CGI interface program to emable searching through the index files created by the ht://Dig search engine
- htsserver
offline browser server : copy websites to a local directory
- httperf
HTTP performance measurement tool
- httpindex
HTTP front-end for SWISH++ indexer
- httping
ping-like program but for http-requests