- checkinstall
generate packages by tracking installation scripts
- checklink
check the validity of links in an HTML or XHTML document
- checkmail
plays a sound file when the user receives mail
- checkmp3
identify MP3s that do not follow the MP3 format
- checknews
check for unread news
- checksctp
check if kernel supports SCTP
- checkservice
checks the status of services on (remote) hosts
- checksub
a validator for NCBI ASN.1 Seq-submit data
- check_het
Reversible jump MCMC linkage analysis in general pedigrees
- cheesetracker
SoundModule Tracking Program
- cheetah
Python template command-line tool
- chemeq
Chemical Equation Analyzer
- chemtool
Chemtool Version 1.6.5
- cheops-ng
network monitor tools for system administration
- cherokee
Cherokee web server
- cherokee-config
script to get information about the installed version of Cherokee
- cherokee_logrotate
Cherokee on-the-fly log rotation tool
- cherryhotreload
sends a hotReload signal to a cherrypy process
- cherrypy
Python-based tool for developing dynamic web sites
- chewmail
mail archiver
- chfn
change real user name and information
- chgrp
change the file group ownership
- chgrp
Changer le groupe propriétaire d'un fichier.
- chilight
- chimera2
X/Athena World-Wide Web Client
- chkconc
list concatenation for hinshi
- chkdupexe
find duplicate executables
- chklastlog
check lastlog-file for deleted entries
- chkrootkit
- Determine whether the system is infected with a rootkit
- chktex
finds typographic errors in LaTeX.
- chktri
check for trigraphs in C source code
- chktrust
Check the trust of a PE executable.
- chkweb
runs the LaTeX parts of a CWEB file through chktex
- chkwtmp
check wtmp-file for deleted entries
- chmod
change the file modes
- chmod
Modifier les autorisations d'accès à un fichier.
- chmoddic
change access rights for a directory
- chm_http
simplistic web server to allow browsing of chm files without extracting them
- chown
change the file ownership
- chown
Modifier le propriétaire et le groupe d'un fichier.
- chrony
programs for keeping computer clocks accurate
- chronyc
command-line interface for chronyd
- chrootuid
run command in restricted environment
- chrpath
change the rpath or runpath in binaries
- chrt
manipulate real-time attributes of a process
- chsh
Changer le shell appelé à la connexion.
- cht
chemtool drawings analyzer
- chts
Cahn-Hilliard Timestepping Demo
- chui
Cahn-Hilliard User Interface
- chvt
change foreground virtual terminal