- pgmslice
extract one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap
- pgmtexture
calculate textural features on a portable graymap
- pgmtofs
convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
- pgmtoimgv
Portable Graymap to Pilot Image Viewer converter, version 2.0.
- pgmtolispm
convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
- pgmtopbm
convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
- pgmtoppm
colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
- pgmtoy4m
Convert mpeg2dec pgm and pgmpipe output to YUV4MPEG2
- pgn-extract
a Portable Game Notation (PGN) extractor
- pgp-clean
pgp-clean -- remove all non-self signatures from key
- pgp-fixkey
pgp-fixkey -- remove broken packets from keys
- pgp4pine
a PGP/GnuPG wrapper for Pine and general use
- pgpdump
A PGP packet visualizer
- pgpgpg
wrapper around Gnu Privacy Guard that takes Pretty Good Privacy
command line options
- pgpring
key ring dumper
- pgpverify
Cryptographically verify Usenet control messages
- pgrep
look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
- pgsql2dlf
convert pgsql logfiles to dlf format
- pgxwin_server
X-window sever for pgplot plotting subroutine library
- pg_lsclusters
show information about all PostgreSQL clusters
- pg_wrapper
wrapper for PostgreSQL client commands
- pharmacy
manual page for Gnome pharmacy 0.3
- phat
a collection of GTK+ apps geared towards audio applications
- phentropy
Zalewskian Phase Space Entropy Viz for OpenQVIS
- phidget-quadservo-calibrate
simple calibration helper for the Phidget QuadServo controller
- phm2helix
calculate projections through a time varying phantom object.
- phm2if
- phm2pj
calculate projections through a phantom object.
- phone
Phone utility for DECnet
- photo
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS,
is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management
and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling,
and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings
around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental
consulting companies.
- photo.2image
- photo.2target
- photo.camera
- photo.init
- photo.rectify
- photopc
utility to control digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging firmware
- photorec
Recover lost pictures from digital camera
- php-cgiwrap
cgiwrap, cgiwrapd, nph-cgiwrap, nph-cgiwrapd, php-cgiwrapd, php-cgiwrap
- php-config4
get information about PHP configuration
- php4
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
- php4-apd
PHP code execution profiler and debugger
- php4-cgi
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
- php5
PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
- phpix
a php-based web photo album
- phpix-create-new-instance
phpix instance installer
- phpize4
prepare a PHP extension for compiling
- phpsysinfo
php based host information
- phylip
runs various phylogenies programs
- pi
compute decimal Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary accuracy.
- pi-csd
Connection Service Daemon for Palm Devices