- mlock
mlock -- lock a mailbox
- mlprof
display profiling information for a MLton-compiled executable
- mltac
manual page for mltac 0.3
- mltail
manual page for mltail 0.3
- mlterm
Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator on X
- mlton
whole-program compiler for the Standard ML (SML) programming
- mlyacc
parser generator for use with Standard ML and MLton
- mm
offline mail reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX packets
- mm-config
OSSP mm library configuration/build utility
- mma
musical midi accompaniment generator
- mmafm
creates AFM font metrics for multiple master fonts
- mmake
- mmc
Error reading options file `/usr/lib/mercury/conf/Mercury.config'.
- mmd
make an MSDOS subdirectory
- mmdir
dumps the directory of a simulated Interdata MDM tape
- mmg
a GUI for mkvmerge including a chapter editor
- mmls
Display the layout of media management systems (partition tables)
- mmorph
MULTEXT morphology tool
- mmount
mount an MSDOS disk
- mmove
move or rename an MSDOS file or subdirectory
- mmpfb
creates single-master fonts from multiple master fonts
- mmroff
reference preprocessor
- mmstat
give details about the volume (media management) system
- mmv
move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
- mnc2nii
- convert a MINC format file to a NIfTI-1 or Analyze format file.
- mn_fit
Interactive analysis package for fitting data and histograms
- moaggedit
map editor for the game Moagg
- moc-qt3
generate Qt meta object support code
- moc-qt4
generate Qt meta object support code
- mocp
console audio player
- mod
No manpage for this program.
- mod-mono-server
Mono ASP.NET Web Server
- mod-mono-server2
Mono ASP.NET Web Server
- mode2
shows the pulse/space length of infrared signals
- modeline2fb
simple modeline to fb.modes translator
- modemlights_applet
Modem Lights applet for the GNOME panel.
- modemu
dialup TCP connecting
- modgzip2dlf
convert Common Log Format with mod_gzip extensions web server log files to DLF
- modlogan
a modular log file analyzer
- modpods
print out paths for the standard modules
- module_info
find informations about modules
- modxslt-config
program to return libmodxslt configuration
- modxslt-parse
program to convert .xml files using .xsl stylesheet and libmodxslt
- modxslt-perror
program to convert numeric error values into human readable strings
- mogrify
resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more. Mogrify overwrites the original image file, whereas, convert(1) writes to a different image file.
- mollist
MolPhy Utilities
- program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics
- mona
a decision procedure for the logics WS1S and WS2S
- moncmd
send commands to mon daemon and show the results.
- money2qif
Convert and sync your MicroMoney account data Quicken QIF
- monit
utility for monitoring services on a Unix system