- pjHinterp
interpolate helical data in projection space.
- pjinfo
projection file information
- pjrec
reconstruction from projections
- pjtoppm
convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
- pk2bm
create a bitmap from a TeX pkfont
- pkcs11-tool
utility for managing and using PKCS #11 security tokens
- pkcs12
PKCS#12 file utility
- pkcs15-crypt
perform crypto operations using pkcs15 smart card
- pkcs15-init
smart card personalization utility
- pkcs15-tool
utility for manipulating PKCS #15 data structures on smart cards and similar security tokens
- pkcs7
PKCS#7 utility
- pkcs8
PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
- pkg-config
Return metainformation about installed libraries
- pkg-ruby-get-sources
a tool for retrieve upstream sources for Debian Ruby Packages
- pkgdata
- package data for use by ICU
- pkgstriptranslations
extract translation files and remove gettext *.mo files from package build directories
- pkgs_to_mmin
extract mirror-master details from mirror package files
- pkspxyc
The PKS proxy client
- pktogf
convert packed font files to generic font files
- pktsetup
set up and tear down packet device associations
- pktstat
- pktype
verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to plain text
- pl
PL_TDF compiler producing TDF
- pl2pm
Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
- Placement
AfterStep supports several different window placement policies. Some of them designed to fill free space, and some allowing for windows to be placed on top of others.
- plan
interactive X/Motif calendar and day planner
pland - daemon for
notifier - X/Motif text displayer for
- planets
Gravitational simulation of planetary bodies
- planner
Project Management application for GNOME
- plasma
oozing plasma.
- play
play and record sound files
- play-sample
a utility to play raw files and wave files on your soundcard.
- playbucket
plays the bucket corresponding to the specified file
- playdv
display digital video streams on screen
- playmidi
playmidi, xplaymidi, splaymidi
- playmp3list
An ncurses-based mp3 player frontend to mpg123
- plaympeg
MPEG audio (MP3) and video (MPEG-1) player
- play_cell
DVD cell player for vamps
- pldes
pl, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
- plld
Create a SWI-Prolog embedded executable
- plm2gif
converts PLplot metafiles to GIF files
- pload
display ppp throughput statistics in an X window
- PlopFolio
Clone of Serence's excellent KlipFolio for GNUstep
- plot
translate GNU metafiles to other graphics formats
Not all man macros define SB (and not all whatis parsers stop on .
- plotchangelog
représente les changements sous forme de graphique
- plotdrop
PlotDrop is designed for quick simple visualisation of 2D data series. It is a minimal Gnome frontend.
- plotfont
produce character maps of fonts supported by the plotting utilities
Not all man macros define SB (and not all whatis parsers stop on .
- ploticus
- plotutils
The GNU plotting utilities.
- plpbackup
Backup and restore for Psion data.
- plpftp
FTP-like program for manipulating files on the Psion.