- uurate
Report Taylor UUCP statistics
- uustat
uucp status inquiry and job control
- uustat
UUCP status inquiry and control
- uuto
Send files to a user on another system.
- uutraf
- UUCP traffic analyzator and cost estimator.
- uuwho
show map entry for a site
- uuwish
A minimal wish extended by the UU commands
- uux
remote command execution
- uux
Remote command execution over UUCP
- uwm
The ultimate window manager
- uxterm
X terminal emulator for for Unicode (UTF-8) environments
- uz
gunzips and extracts a gzip'd tar'd archive
- v.buffer
Create a buffer around features of given type (areas must contain centroid).
- v.build
Creates topology for GRASS vector data.
- v.build.all
- v.build.polylines
Build polylines from lines.
- v.category
Attach, delete or report vector categories to map geometry.
- v.clean
Toolset to clean vector topology.
- v.convert
Imports older versions of GRASS vectors.
- v.db.connect
prints/sets DB connection for a vector map
- v.db.select
Print vector attributes
- v.delaunay
Create a Delaunay triangulation from an input vector of points or centroids.
- v.digit
- v.distance
Find the nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to the attribute table of input vector 'from' or printed to stdout.
- v.external
Create a new vector as a read-only link to OGR layer. Available drivers:
- v.extract
Selects vector objects from an existing vector map and creates a new map containing only the selected objects. If 'list', 'file' and 'where' options are not specified, all features of given type and layer are extracted, categories are not changed in that case.
- v.hull
Uses a GRASS vector points map to produce a convex hull vector map
- v.in.ascii
Convert GRASS ascii file or points file to binary vector.
- v.in.db
Create new vector (points) from database table containing coordinates.
- v.in.e00
Import of E00 file into a vector map.
- v.in.garmin
Upload Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks from a Garmin GPS receiver into a vector map.
- v.in.ogr
Convert OGR vectors to GRASS. Available drivers:
- v.in.region
Create a new vector from current region.
- v.in.sites
Converts a GRASS site_lists file into a vector file.
- v.info
Outputs basic information about a user-specified vector map layer.
- v.kcv
Randomly partition points into test/train sets.
- v.kernel
Generates a raster density map from vector points data using a moving 2D isotropic Gaussian kernel or optionally generates a vector density map on vector network with a 1D kernel
- v.label
Create paint labels for GRASS vector file and attached attributes.
- v.mkgrid
Creates a (binary) GRASS vector map of a user-defined grid.
- v.neighbors
Makes each cell value a function of the attribute values assigned to the vector points or centroids around it, and stores new cell values in an output raster map layer.
- v.net
Network maintenance.
- v.net.alloc
Allocate subnets for nearest centres (direction from centre). Centre node must be opened (costs >= 0). Costs of centre node are used in calculation
- v.net.iso
Split net to bands between cost isolines (direction from centre). Centre node must be opened (costs >= 0). Costs of centre node are used in calculation
- v.net.path
Find shortest path on vector network. Reads start/end pointsfrom standard input in 2 possible formats:
id start_point_category end_point_category
id start_point_x start_point_y end_point_x end_point_y
Points specified by category must be exactly on network nodes.
- v.net.salesman
Create a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem). Note that TSP is NP-hard, heuristic algorithm is used by this module and created cycle may be sub optimal.
- v.net.steiner
Create Steiner tree for the network and given terminals. Note that 'Minimum Steiner Tree' problem is NP-hard and heuristic algorithm is used in this module so the the result may be sub optimal.
- v.normal
tests for normality for points.
- v.out.ascii
Convert a GRASS binary vector map to a GRASS ASCII vector map
- v.out.dxf
Exports GRASS vector files to DXF file format.
- v.out.ogr
Convert to OGR format.