- ASDatabaseEntry
to be used in entry of AfterStep database
- aseqdump
show the events received at an ALSA sequencer port
- aseqnet
ALSA sequencer connectors over network
- asimagexml
XML schema to be used for scripting image manipulation by AfterStep and ascompose
- asip-status.pl
Queries AFP servers for their capabilities
- askmara
réalise des requêtes DNS simples
- aslink
companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.
- asmail
the AfterStep e-mail monitor
- asmem
the AfterStep memory utilization monitor
- asmix
the AfterStep volume control knob
- asmixer
the AfterStep Mixer
- asmon
A system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker
- asmounter
AfterStep All-Purpose Mounter
- asmping
check if you can receive IPv4/IPv6 multicast data from an internet
- asn1c
ASN.1 Compiler
- asn1Coding
helper programs for asn.1
- asn1Decoding
helper programs for asn.1
- asn1parse
ASN.1 parsing tool
- asn1Parser
helper programs for asn.1
- asn2all
generate reports from ASN.1 biological data
- asn2asn
convert NCBI data between text and binary ASN.1
- asn2deb
create a Debian package for BER monitoring from ASN.1
- asn2ff
convert ASN.1 biological data to a flat format (old version)
- asn2fsa
convert biological sequence data from ASN.1 to FASTA
- asn2gb
convert ASN.1 biological data to a GenBank-style flat format
- asn2idx
index ASN.1 Bioseq-sets for fast access to individual sequences
- asn2xml
translate biological data from ASN.1 to XML
- asndhuff
decompress compressed ASN.1 (CASN) files
- asntool
process ASN.1 module specifications
- asnval
validate ASN.1 biological sequence records
- asoundconf
utility to read and change the user's ALSA library configuration
- asp
find an host
address by its name
- asp-perl
Apache::ASP CGI and command line script processor
- asp-state
Mono ASP.NET Session State Server
- asp-state2
Mono ASP.NET Session State Server
- aspell
interactive spell checker
- aspell-import
import old personal dictionaries into GNU Aspell
- aspline
Akima spline interpolation
- ass
autonomous system scanner
- assa-genesis
generates skeleton files for RAD development with ASSA library
- assistant-qt4
on-line documentation browser for Qt4
- ASSound-classic
the AfterStep Classic Wharf Sound module
- astma2xtm.pl
an AsTMa to XTM converter
- astman
-- a client to asterisk's manager interface
- astyle
indentation and reformatting filters for C, C++, Java
- aswiki_setup
aswiki setup utility for Debian
- asxxxx
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for SDCC.
- asy
Asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language
- at
execute commands at a later time
- at
queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution