- pcunmql
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pcunmqr
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pcunmr2
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pcunmr3
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pcunmrq
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pcunmrz
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pcunmtr
overwrite the general complex M-by-N distributed matrix sub( C ) = C(IC:IC+M-1,JC:JC+N-1) with SIDE = 'L' SIDE = 'R' TRANS = 'N'
- pdb_AppendRecord
- pdb_CopyRecord
- pdb_DeleteRecordByID
- pdb_FindRecordByID
- pdb_LoadHeader
- pdb_Read
- pddbsv
solve a system of linear equations A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1) * X = B(IB:IB+N-1, 1:NRHS)
- pddbtrf
compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real banded diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix with bandwidth BWL, BWU
- pddbtrs
solve a system of linear equations A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1) * X = B(IB:IB+N-1, 1:NRHS)
- pddbtrsv
solve a banded triangular system of linear equations A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1) * X = B(IB:IB+N-1, 1:NRHS)
- pddtsv
solve a system of linear equations A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1) * X = B(IB:IB+N-1, 1:NRHS)
- pddttrf
compute a LU factorization of an N-by-N real tridiagonal diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1)
- pddttrs
solve a system of linear equations A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1) * X = B(IB:IB+N-1, 1:NRHS)
- pddttrsv
solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations A(1:N, JA:JA+N-1) * X = B(IB:IB+N-1, 1:NRHS)
A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (aka. PDF)" Files.
- PDF::API2::Annotation
Annotation object for PDF::API2
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array
Corresponds to a PDF array. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Bool
A special form of PDF::String which holds the strings
true or false
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict
PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Objind
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::File
Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Filter
Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Name
Inherits from PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::String and stores PDF names (things
beginning with /)
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Null
PDF Null type object. This is a subclass of
PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind and cannot be subclassed.
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Number
Numbers in PDF. Inherits from PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::String
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind
PDF indirect object reference. Also acts as an abstract
superclass for all elements in a PDF file.
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Page
Represents a PDF page, inherits from PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages
a PDF pages hierarchical element. Inherits from PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::String
PDF String type objects and superclass for simple objects
that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)
- PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils
Utility functions for PDF library
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::AATKern
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::AATutils
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Anchor
Anchor points for GPOS tables
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Bsln
Baseline table in a font
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Cmap
Character map table
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Coverage
Opentype coverage and class definition objects
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Cvt_
Control Value Table in a TrueType font
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Delta
Opentype Device tables
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Fdsc
Font Descriptors table in a font
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Feat
Font Features
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Fmtx
Font Metrics table
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Font
Memory representation of a font
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::Fpgm
Font program in a TrueType font. Called when a font is loaded
- PDF::API2::Basic::TTF::GDEF
Opentype GDEF table support