- PGAGetPrintFrequencyValue
returns how often to print statistics reports
- PGAGetPTournamentProb
returns the probability of selecting the best
string in a probabilistic binary tournament
- PGAGetRandomInitFlag
returns true/false to indicate whether or not
alleles are randomly initialized.
- PGAGetRandomSeed
returns the integer to seed random numbers with
- PGAGetRank
Returns the rank of the processor in communicator comm. If
comm is NULL or a sequential version of PGAPack is used, PGAGetRank()
returns 0.
- PGAGetRealAllele
returns the value of real-valued allele i in string p
in population pop
- PGAGetRealFromBinary
Interpets a binary string as encoding a real value
and returns the real value it represents.
- PGAGetRealFromGrayCode
interpets a binary reflected Gray code sequence in
a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it
- PGAGetRealInitType
returns the type of scheme used to randomly
initialize strings of data type PGA_DATATYPE_REAL.
- PGAGetRestartAlleleChangeProb
returns the probability with which
an allele will be mutated during a restart
- PGAGetRestartFlag
returns whether the algorithm should employ the
restart operator
- PGAGetRestartFrequencyValue
returns the number of iterations of no
change in the best string after which the algorithm should restart
- PGAGetSelectType
Returns the type of selection selected
- PGAGetSortedPopIndex
returns a population string index from the array
created by PGASortPop().
- PGAGetStoppingRuleType
Returns a symbolic constant that defines the
termination criteria.
- PGAGetStringLength
Returns the string length
- PGAGetUniformCrossoverProb
returns the probability of a bit being
selected from the first child string in uniform crossover
- PGAGetWorstIndex
returns the index of the string with the worst
evaluation function value in population pop
- PGAHammingDistance
Calculates the mean Hamming distance for a population
of binary strings. For all other data types returns a value of 0.0 and
prints a warning message.
- PGAMean
calculates the mean value of an array of elements
- PGAMutate
This routine performs mutation on a string. The type of mutation
depends on the data type. Refer to the user guide for data-specific
- PGAPrintContextVariable
prints the value of all the fields in the context
- PGAPrintIndividual
prints the allele values of a string and associated
fields (evaluation, fitness, etc.) of a string
- PGAPrintPopulation
Calls PGAPrintIndividual to print each member of a
- PGAPrintReport
prints genetic algorithm statistics. The statistics
that are printed are determined by PGASetPrintOptions().
- PGAPrintString
write the allele values in a string to a file
- PGARandom01
generates a uniform random number on the interval [0,1)
If the second argument is 0 it returns the next random number in the
sequence. Otherwise, the second argument is used as a new seed for the
- PGARandomFlip
flip a biased coin and return PGA_TRUE if the coin is
a "winner." Otherwise, return PGA_FALSE.
- PGARandomGaussian
returns an approximation to a Gaussian random number
- PGARandomInterval
returns a uniform random number on the specified
- PGARandomUniform
returns a uniform random number on the interval
- PGARank
returns the rank of a string in a population. This is a value
between 1,...,N (the population size). The most fit string has rank 1,
the least fit string has rank N.
- PGAReceiveIndividual
receive an individual from another process
- PGARestart
reseeds a population from the best string
- PGARound
Mathematically round a double to an integer, using 0.5 as the
cutoff value.
- PGARun
Highest level routine to execute the genetic algorithm. It
is called after PGACreate and PGASetup have been called.
High-level routine to execute the genetic algorithm using the
global model. It is called after PGACreate and PGASetup have been called.
If a NULL communicator is given, a sequential execution method is used,
otherwise, work is divided among the processors in the communicator.
- PGARunMutationAndCrossover
Performs crossover and mutation from one
population to create the next. Assumes PGASelect has been called.
- PGARunMutationOrCrossover
Performs crossover or mutation (but not both)
from one populationto create the next. Assumes PGASelect has been called.
- PGASelect
performs genetic algorithm selection using either the default
selection scheme or that specified with PGASetSelectType(). Valid selection
methods are proportional, stochastic universal, tournament, or probabilistic
function updates an internal array with the indices of members of popix
selected for recombination. These indices may be accessed with
- PGASelectNextIndex
returns the index of next individual in
internal array that contains the indices determined by PGASelect
- PGASendIndividual
transmit an individual to another process
- PGASendReceiveIndividual
Send an individual to a process, while receiving
a different individual from a different process.
- PGASetBinaryAllele
sets a binary allele to the specified value.
- PGASetBinaryInitProb
specify the probability of initializing an allele to
"1" when creating a PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY string. The default value is 0.5.
- PGASetCharacterAllele
sets the value of an allele in a
- PGASetCharacterInitType
sets a flag to specify whether the character
strings will be exclusively lowercase, exclusively uppercase, or a mixure
of both cases. Legal flags are PGA_CINIT_UPPER, PGA_CINIT_LOWER, and
- PGASetCommunicator
Set the default communicator to use when PGARun is
called. Does not necessarily need to be the same as the number of
processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD (which is the default).
- PGASetCrossoverProb
Probability that a selected string will undergo
crossover. The default is 0.85.
- PGASetCrossoverType
specify the type of crossover to use. Valid choices
one-point, two-point, and uniform crossover, respectively. The default is