- sc_Int2eCints
Int2eCints is an interface to various specializations of two-electron integral evaluators implemented in Cints.
- sc_Int2eV3
Int2eV3 is a class wrapper for the two body part of the C language IntV3 library.
- sc_IntCoor
The IntCoor abstract class describes an internal coordinate of a molecule.
- sc_IntCoorGen
IntCoorGen generates a set of simple internal coordinates for a molecule.
- sc_Integral
The Integral abstract class acts as a factory to provide objects that compute one and two electron integrals.
- sc_IntegralCCA
IntegralCCA provides an SC client for CCA IntegralEvaluator components.
- sc_IntegralCints
IntegralCints computes integrals between Gaussian basis functions.
- sc_IntegralV3
IntegralV3 computes integrals between Gaussian basis functions.
- sc_IntegrationWeight
An abstract base class for computing grid weights.
- sc_intMessageGrp
Uses integer message types to send and receive messages.
- sc_IntMolecularCoor
The IntMolecularCoor abstract class describes a molecule's coordinates in terms of internal coordinates.
- sc_IrreducibleRepresentation
The IrreducibleRepresentation class provides information associated with a particular irreducible representation of a point group.
- sc_ISphericalTransform
This describes a solid harmonic to Cartesian transform.
- sc_KeyVal
The KeyVal class is designed to simplify the process of allowing a user to specify keyword/value associations to a C++ program.
- sc_LebedevLaikovIntegrator
An implementation of a Lebedev angular integrator.
- sc_LimitExceeded
This is thrown when a limit is exceeded.
- sc_LineOpt
The LineOpt abstract class is used to perform one dimensional optimizations.
- sc_LinIPSimpleCo
The LinIPSimpleCo class describes an in-plane component of a linear bend internal coordinate of a molecule.
- sc_LinOPSimpleCo
The LinOPSimpleCo class describes an out-of-plane component of a linear bend internal coordinate of a molecule.
- sc_list_files
List files
- sc_LocalSCMatrixKit
The LocalSCMatrixKit produces matrices that work in a single processor environment.
- sc_lock
Lock a card for exclusive use
- sc_LSDACFunctional
An abstract base class for local correlation functionals.
- sc_LYPCFunctional
Implements the Lee, Yang, and Parr functional.
- sc_make_cache_dir
Create the OpenSC cache directory
- sc_MaxIterExceeded
This is thrown when an iterative algorithm attempts to use more iterations than allowed.
- sc_MBPT2
The MBPT2 class implements several second-order perturbation theory methods.
- sc_MBPT2_R12
The MBPT2_R12 class implements several linear R12 second-order perturbation theory methods.
- sc_MemAllocFailed
This is thrown when a memory allocation fails.
- sc_MemoryGrp
The MemoryGrp abstract class provides a way of accessing distributed memory in a parallel machine.
- sc_MemoryGrpBuf
The MemoryGrpBuf class provides access to pieces of the global shared memory that have been obtained with MemoryGrp.
- sc_MessageGrp
The MessageGrp abstract class provides a mechanism for moving data and objects between nodes in a parallel machine.
- sc_MOIndexSpace
Class MOIndexSpace describes a range of molecular orbitals or similar objects that are linear combinations of basis functions (e.g.
- sc_MOIntsTransformFactory
MOIntsTransformFactory is a factory that produces MOIntsTransform objects.
- sc_MolecularCoor
The MolecularCoor abstract class describes the coordinate system used to describe a molecule.
- sc_MolecularEnergy
The MolecularEnergy abstract class inherits from the Function class.
- sc_MolecularFormula
The MolecularFormula class is used to calculate the molecular formula of a Molecule.
- sc_MolecularFrequencies
The MolecularFrequencies class is used to compute the molecular frequencies and thermodynamic information.
- sc_Molecule
The Molecule class contains information about molecules.
- sc_MOPairIter
MOPairIter gives the ordering of orbital pairs.
- sc_MOPairIterFactory
This class produces MOPairIter objects.
- sc_MP2R12Energy
Class MP2R12Energy is the object that computes and maintains MP2-R12 energies.
- sc_MPIMessageGrp
The MPIMessageGrp class is an concrete implementation of MessageGrp that uses the MPI 1 library.
- sc_mPW91XFunctional
Implements a modified 1991 Perdew-Wang exchange functional.
- sc_MsgMemoryGrp
A MsgMemoryGrp that initializes its data using a messagegrp.
- sc_MsgStateBufRecv
The MsgStateBufRecv is an abstract base class that buffers objects sent through a MessageGrp.
- sc_MsgStateRecv
The MsgStateRecv is an abstract base class that receives objects from nodes in a MessageGrp.
- sc_MsgStateSend
The MsgStateSend is an abstract base class that sends objects to nodes in a MessageGrp.
- sc_MTMPIMemoryGrp
This MemoryGrp class requires a MT-safe MPI implementation.
- sc_NCAccResult
This associates a result non-class datum with an accuracy.