- PGADuplicate
determines if a specified string is a duplicate of one
already in an existing population
- PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary
encodes an integer value as a binary string
- PGAEncodeIntegerAsGrayCode
encodes a real value as a binary reflected
Gray code sequence
- PGAEncodeRealAsBinary
encodes a real value as a binary string
- PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode
encodes a real value as a binary reflected Gray
code sequence
- PGAError
reports error messages. Prints out the message supplied, and
the value of a piece of data. Terminates if PGA_FATAL.
- PGAEvaluate
Calls a user-specified function to return an evaluation of
each string in the population. The user-specified function is only called
if the string has been changed (e.g., by crossover or mutation) or the user
has explicitly signaled the string's evaluation is out-of-date by a call
to PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag().
- PGAFitness
Maps the user's evaluation function value to a fitness value.
First, the user's evaluation function value is translated to all positive
values if any are negative. Next, this positive sequence is translated to
a maximization problem if the user's optimization direction was minimization.
This positive sequence is then mapped to a fitness value using linear
ranking, linear normalization fitness, or the identity (i.e., the evaluation
function value). This routine is usually used after PGAEvaluate is called.
- PGAGetBestIndex
returns the index of the string with the best evaluation
function value in population pop
- PGAGetBinaryAllele
returns the value of a (binary) allele in a
- PGAGetBinaryInitProb
Returns the probability that an allele will be
randomly initialized to "1" in a PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY string.
- PGAGetCharacterAllele
PGAGetCharacterAllele: returns the value of character allele in a-PGA_DATATYPE_CHARACTER string
- PGAGetCommunicator
Returns the default communicator used when PGARun is
- PGAGetCrossoverProb
Returns the crossover probability
- PGAGetCrossoverType
Returns the type of crossover selected
- PGAGetDataType
Returns the data type used by the given context.
- PGAGetEvaluation
returns the evaluation function value for
string p in population pop
- PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag
returns true/false to indicate
whether the evaluate function value is up to date
- PGAGetFitness
returns the fitness value for a string
- PGAGetFitnessCmaxValue
returns the value of the multiplier used by
- PGAGetFitnessMinType
Returns the type of fitness transformation used
for minimization problems.
- PGAGetFitnessType
Returns the type of fitness transformation used.
- PGAGetGAIterValue
returns the number of the current genetic
algorithm generation
- PGAGetIntegerAllele
Returns the value of allele i of member p in
population pop. Assumes the data type is PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER.
- PGAGetIntegerFromBinary
interpets a binary string as encoding an integer
value and returns the integer value it represents.
- PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode
interpets a binary reflected Gray code sequence
as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
- PGAGetIntegerInitType
returns the type of scheme used to randomly
initialize strings of data type PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER.
- PGAGetMaxFitnessRank
returns the maximum value used in rank-based
- PGAGetMaxGAIterValue
Returns the maximum number of iterations to run
- PGAGetMaxIntegerInitValue
returns the maximum of the range of integers
used to randomly initialize integer strings.
- PGAGetMaxMachineDoubleValue
returns the largest double of the current
- PGAGetMaxMachineIntValue
returns the largest integer of the current
- PGAGetMaxRealInitValue
returns the maximum value used to randomly
initialize allele i in a real string
- PGAGetMinIntegerInitValue
returns the minimum of the range of integers
used to randomly initialize integer strings.
- PGAGetMinMachineDoubleValue
returns the smallest double of the current
- PGAGetMinMachineIntValue
returns the smallest integer of the current
- PGAGetMinRealInitValue
returns the minimum value used to randomly
initialize allele i in a real string
- PGAGetMutationAndCrossoverFlag
Returns true if mutation occurs only
when crossover does.
- PGAGetMutationBoundedFlag
returns PGA_TRUE or PGA_FALSE to indicate
whether mutated integer strings remain in the range specified when
initialized with PGASetIntegerInitRange.
- PGAGetMutationIntegerValue
Returns the value of the multiplier
used to mutate PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER strings with.
- PGAGetMutationOrCrossoverFlag
Returns true if mutation only occurs when
crossover does not.
- PGAGetMutationProb
Returns the probability of mutation.
- PGAGetMutationRealValue
Returns the value of the multiplier used to
mutate PGA_DATATYPE_REAL strings with.
- PGAGetMutationType
Returns the type of mutation used
- PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag
Returns PGA_TRUE if duplicates are not allowed,
else returns PGA_FALSE.
- PGAGetNumProcs
Returns the size of communicator comm in processes. If
comm is NULL or a sequential version of PGAPack is used, PGAGetNumProcs()
returns 1.
- PGAGetNumReplaceValue
Returns the maximum number of strings to replace
each generation.
- PGAGetOptDirFlag
Returns a symbolic constant that represents the
direction of optimization
- PGAGetPopReplaceType
returns the symbolic constant used to determine
which strings to copy from the old population to the new population.
- PGAGetPopSize
Returns the population size