- sc_DiscreteConnollyShape
DiscreteConnollyShape and ConnollyShape should produce the same result.
- sc_DistSCMatrixKit
The DistSCMatrixKit produces matrices that work in a many processor environment.
- sc_DistShellPair
Distributes shell pairs either statically or dynamically.
- sc_DistShellPair_SharedData
This is used to store data that must be shared between all cooperating shell pairs.
- sc_EFCOpt
The EFCOpt class implements eigenvector following as described by Baker in J.
- sc_ElectronDensity
This is a Volume that computer the electron density.
- sc_enum_apps
Enumerate the applications on a card
- sc_EriCints
EriCints is a specialization of Int2eCints that computes electron repulsion integrals.
- sc_establish_context
Establish an OpenSC context
- sc_EulerMaclaurinRadialIntegrator
An implementation of a radial integrator using the Euler-Maclaurin weights and grid points.
- sc_ExEnv
The ExEnv class is used to find out about how the program is being run.
- sc_FeatureNotImplemented
This is thrown when an attempt is made to use a feature that is not yet implemented.
- sc_FileGrp
The FileGrp abstract class provides a way of accessing distributed file in a parallel machine.
- sc_FileOperationFailed
This is thrown when an operation on a file fails.
- sc_file_dup
Duplicate a file object
- sc_file_free
Free file object
- sc_file_new
Create a file object
- sc_file_t
OpenSC file structure
- sc_FinDispMolecularHessian
Computes the molecular hessian by finite displacements of gradients.
- sc_find_app_by_aid
Find an application on a card
- sc_find_pkcs15_app
Find a PKCS#15 application on a card
- sc_ForceLink
This, together with ForceLinkBase, is used to force code for particular classes to be linked into executables.
- sc_ForceLinkBase
This, together with ForceLink, is used to force code for particular classes to be linked into executables.
- sc_format_apdu
Populate an APDU structure
- sc_format_asn1_entry
Fill in an ASN.1 entry structure
- sc_free_apps
Free application list
- sc_Function
The Function class is an abstract base class that, given a set of coordinates, will compute a value and possibly a gradient and hessian at that point.
- sc_G96XFunctional
Implements the Gill 1996 (G96) exchange functional.
- sc_GaussianBasisSet
The GaussianBasisSet class is used describe a basis set composed of atomic gaussian orbitals.
- sc_GaussianBasisSet_ValueData
This holds scratch data needed to compute basis function values.
- sc_GaussianShell
A Gaussian orbital shell.
- sc_GaussLegendreAngularIntegrator
An implementation of an angular integrator using the Gauss-Legendre weights and grid points.
- sc_GenPetite4
This class is an abstract base to a generalized four index petite list.
- sc_get_cache_dir
Get the OpenSC cache directory
- sc_get_challenge
Request a challenge from a card
- sc_get_data
Get a primitive data object from a card
- sc_GPetite4
This class provides a generalized four index petite list.
- sc_GRTCints
GRTCints is a specialization of Int2eCints that computes two-electron integrals specific to linear R12 methods.
- sc_HessianUpdate
The HessianUpdate abstract class is used to specify a hessian update scheme.
HSOSHF is a Hartree-Fock specialization of HSOSSCF.
This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for restricted-orbital high-spin open-shell systems.
The HSOSSCF class is a base for classes implementing a self-consistent procedure for high-spin open-shell molecules.
- sc_Identifier
Identifier's are used to distinguish and order objects.
- sc_Identity
Identity gives objects a unique identity and ordering relationship relative to all other objects.
- sc_IdentityTransform
The IdentityTransform is a special case of NonlinearTransform were no transformation takes place.
- sc_InputError
This is thrown when invalid input is provided.
- sc_Int1eCCA
Int1eCCA adapts CCA integrals components for use within SC.
- sc_Int1eCints
Int1eCints is used by OneBodyIntCints and OneBodyDerivIntCints to implement IntegralCints.
- sc_Int1eV3
Int1eV3 is a class wrapper for the one body part of the C language IntV3 library.
- sc_Int2eCCA
Int2eCCA adapts CCA integrals components for use within SC.