- SDL_Palette
SDL_Palette- Color palette for 8-bit pixel formats
- SDL_PauseAudio
SDL_PauseAudio- Pauses and unpauses the audio callback processing
- SDL_PeepEvents
SDL_PeepEvents- Checks the event queue for messages and optionally returns them.
- SDL_PixelFormat
SDL_PixelFormat- Stores surface format information
- SDL_PollEvent
SDL_PollEvent- Polls for currently pending events.
- SDL_PumpEvents
SDL_PumpEvents- Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
- SDL_PushEvent
SDL_PushEvent- Pushes an event onto the event queue
- SDL_Quit
SDL_Quit- Shut down SDL
- SDL_QuitEvent
SDL_QuitEvent- Quit requested event
- SDL_QuitSubSystem
SDL_QuitSubSystem- Shut down a subsystem
- SDL_Rect
SDL_Rect- Defines a rectangular area
- SDL_RemoveTimer
SDL_RemoveTimer- Remove a timer which was added with SDL_AddTimer.
- SDL_ResizeEvent
SDL_ResizeEvent- Window resize event structure
- SDL_RWFromFile
SDL_FunctionName- Short description of function
SDL_SaveBMP- Save an SDL_Surface as a Windows BMP file.
- SDL_SemPost
SDL_SemPost- Unlock a semaphore.
- SDL_SemTryWait
SDL_SemTryWait- Attempt to lock a semaphore but don't suspend the thread.
- SDL_SemValue
SDL_SemValue- Return the current value of a semaphore.
- SDL_SemWait
SDL_SemWait- Lock a semaphore and suspend the thread if the semaphore value is zero.
- SDL_SemWaitTimeout
SDL_SemWaitTimeout- Lock a semaphore, but only wait up to a specified maximum time.
- SDL_SetAlpha
SDL_SetAlpha- Adjust the alpha properties of a surface
- SDL_SetClipRect
SDL_SetClipRect- Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
- SDL_SetColorKey
SDL_SetColorKey- Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and RLE acceleration.
- SDL_SetColors
SDL_SetColors- Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.
- SDL_SetCursor
SDL_SetCursor- Set the currently active mouse cursor.
- SDL_SetEventFilter
SDL_SetEventFilter- Sets up a filter to process all events before they are posted to the event queue.
- SDL_SetGamma
SDL_SetGamma- Sets the color gamma function for the display
- SDL_SetGammaRamp
SDL_SetGammaRamp- Sets the color gamma lookup tables for the display
- SDL_SetModState
SDL_SetModState- Set the current key modifier state
- SDL_SetPalette
SDL_SetPalette- Sets the colors in the palette of an 8-bit surface.
- SDL_SetRowStretchCode
- SDL_SetTimer
SDL_SetTimer- Set a callback to run after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
- SDL_SetVideoMode
SDL_SetVideoMode- Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
- SDL_ShowCursor
SDL_ShowCursor- Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen.
- SDL_stretch.h
- SDL_StretchSurfaceBlit
Perform a stretch blit between two surfaces of the same format.
- SDL_StretchSurfaceRect
Perform a stretch blit between two surfaces of the same format.
- SDL_StretchSurface_23
- SDL_Surface
SDL_Surface- Graphical Surface Structure
- SDL_SysWMEvent
SDL_SysWMEvent- Platform-dependent window manager event.
- SDL_ThreadID
SDL_ThreadID- Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the current thread.
- SDL_UnlockAudio
SDL_UnlockAudio- Unlock the callback function
- SDL_UnlockSurface
SDL_UnlockSurface- Unlocks a previously locked surface.
- SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay
SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay- Unlock an overlay
- SDL_UpdateRect
SDL_UpdateRect- Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
- SDL_UpdateRects
SDL_UpdateRects- Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
- SDL_UserEvent
SDL_UserEvent- A user-defined event type
- SDL_VideoDriverName
SDL_VideoDriverName- Obtain the name of the video driver
- SDL_VideoInfo
SDL_VideoInfo- Video Target information
- SDL_VideoModeOK
SDL_VideoModeOK- Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.