- URI::Query
class providing URI query string manipulation
- url.h
URL streams abstraction.
- usctest
macros and libraries for common functions in system call tests
- user
Standard I/O Server
- User
API for locating user information regardless of OS
- User::grent
by-name interface to Perl's built-in getgr*() functions
- User::Identity
maintains info about a physical person
- User::Identity::Archive
base class for archiving user information
- User::Identity::Archive::Plain
simple, plain text archiver
- User::Identity::Collection
base class for collecting roles of a user
- User::Identity::Collection::Emails
a collection of email roles
- User::Identity::Collection::Locations
a collection of locations
- User::Identity::Collection::Systems
a collection of system descriptions
- User::Identity::Collection::Users
a collection of users
- User::Identity::Item
general base class for User::Identity
- User::Identity::Location
physical location of a person
- User::Identity::System
physical system of a person
- User::pwent
by-name interface to Perl's built-in getpw*() functions
- User::Simple
Simple user sessions management
- User::Simple::Admin
User::Simple user administration
- userptr
associate application data with a form item
- userptr
associate application data with a menu item
- usetat
Replaces a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- usetc
Low level helper function for writing Unicode text data. Allegro game programming library.
- usleep
Interrompre le programme durant un nombre donné de microsecondes.
- usleep
suspend execution for an interval
- usprintf
Writes formatted data into a buffer. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcat
Concatenates a string to another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrchr
Finds the first occurrence of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcmp
Compares two strings. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrcpy
Copies a string into another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrdup
Duplicates a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrerror
Returns a string describing errno. Allegro game programming library.
- ustricmp
Compares two strings ignoring case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrlen
Tells the number of characters in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrlwr
Replaces all letters with lower case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncat
Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncmp
Compares up to n letters of two strings. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrncpy
Copies a string into another one, specifying size. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrnicmp
Compares up to n letters of two strings ignoring case. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrpbrk
Finds the first character that matches any in a set. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrrchr
Finds the last occurence of a character in a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrsize
Size of the string in bytes without null terminator. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrsizez
Size of the string in bytes including null terminator. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrstr
Finds the first occurence of a string in another one. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtod
Converts a string into a floating point number. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok
Retrieves tokens from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok_r
Reentrant function to retrieve tokens from a string. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrtol
Converts a string into an integer. Allegro game programming library.
- ustrupr
Replaces all letters with upper case. Allegro game programming library.