- Tree::Simple::Visitor::CreateDirectoryTree
A Visitor for create a set of directories and files from a Tree::Simple object
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByNodeValue
A Visitor for finding an element in a Tree::Simple hierarchy by node value
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath
A Visitor for finding an element in a Tree::Simple hierarchy with a path
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByUID
A Visitor for finding an element in a Tree::Simple hierarchy by UID
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FromNestedArray
A Visitor for creating Tree::Simple objects from nested array trees.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::FromNestedHash
A Visitor for creating Tree::Simple objects from nested hash trees.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::GetAllDescendents
A Visitor for fetching all the descendents of a Tree::Simple object
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::LoadClassHierarchy
A Visitor for loading class hierarchies into a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::LoadDirectoryTree
A Visitor for loading the contents of a directory into a Tree::Simple object
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::PathToRoot
A Visitor for finding the path back a Tree::Simple object's root
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::PostOrderTraversal
A Visitor for post-order traversal a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::PreOrderTraversal
A Visitor for pre-order traversal a Tree::Simple hierarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::Sort
A Visitor for sorting a Tree::Simple object heirarchy
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::ToNestedArray
A Visitor for creating nested array trees from Tree::Simple objects.
- Tree::Simple::Visitor::ToNestedHash
A Visitor for creating nested hash trees from Tree::Simple objects.
- Tree::Simple::VisitorFactory
A factory object for dispensing Visitor objects
- treeql
Query tree objects
- treeview
Create and manipulate hierarchical table widgets
- triangle
Draws a filled triangle. Allegro game programming library.
- triangle.c
Triangle drawing.
- triangle3d
Draws a 3d triangle onto the specified bitmap. Allegro game programming library.
- triangle3d_f
See triangle3d.3alleg
- trim
trim whitespace from a string.
- TRTPSessionBase
- trunc
Arrondir à l'entier le plus proche vers zéro.
- trunc
round to truncated integer value
- truncate
truncate a file to a specified length
- truncf
See trunc.3posix
- truncl
See trunc.3posix
- Trunk
We derive a Bayonne server version of ScriptInterp, 'Trunk', which holds most common elements of the script engine for Bayonne use. Bayonne channel port script engine.
- TrunkGroup
Trunk 'groups' provide keydata configuration information that apply to a group of trunk ports represented under a common 'group' identity. Trunk group configuration.
- tse3
Trax Sequencer Engine library version 3.0
- tsearch
Manipulation d'arbre binaire.
- tsearch
manage a binary search tree
- tsig
ns_sign ,
- tst
ternary search trie functions
- tst_res
Print result message, including file contents
tst_resm - Print result message
tst_brk - Print result message and break remaining test cases
tst_brkm - Print result message, including file contents, and break remaining test cases
tst_brkloop - Print result message and break remaining test cases in loop
tst_brkloopm - Print result message, including file contents, and break remaining test cases in loop
tst_flush - Print any messages pending because of CONDENSE mode, and flush output stream
tst_exit - Exit test with a meaningful exit value
tst_environ - Keep results coming to original stdout
- tst_set_error
Sets global Tst_error values
tst_clear_error - clears global Tst_error values
- tst_sig
set up for unexpected signals
- tst_tmpdir
create a unique testing directory and make it current.
tst_rmdir - remove the directory created by tst_tmpdir.
- tsv
Part of the Tcl threading extension allowing script-level manipulation
of data shared between threads in a simple, safe and protected fashion.
- ttb
A base for building trace tools for distributed systems.
The tts syth classes intercept core functions as needed to create an interface to a native text to speech subsystem, usually by manipulating data.play.
- ttyname
Obtenir le nom d'un terminal.
- ttyname
find the pathname of a terminal
- ttyname_r
See ttyname.3posix
- ttyslot
Trouver l'emplacement du terminal en cours dans un fichier.
- tv
TV graphically examines ETS and Mnesia tables.
- twalk
See tsearch.3posix
- tzname
See tzset.3posix