- sc_NCResult
This is similar to Result, but can be used with non-class types.
- sc_NElFunctional
The NElFunctional computes the number of electrons.
- sc_NonlinearTransform
The NonlinearTransform class transforms between two nonlinear coordinate systems.
- sc_OneBodyDerivInt
OneBodyDerivInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute one body derivative integrals.
- sc_OneBodyDerivIntCCA
This implements one body derivative integrals.
- sc_OneBodyDerivIntV3
This implements one body derivative integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc_OneBodyInt
OneBodyInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute integrals between two basis functions.
- sc_OneBodyIntCCA
This implements one body integrals through the CCA interface.
- sc_OneBodyIntCints
This implements most one body integrals in the Cints library.
- sc_OneBodyIntV3
This implements most one body integrals in the IntV3 library.
- sc_OneBodyOneCenterDerivInt
OneBodyOneCenterDerivInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute one body derivative integrals on a single center.
- sc_OneBodyOneCenterInt
OneBodyOneCenterInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute integrals between two basis functions.
- sc_OneBodyWavefunction
A OneBodyWavefunction is a MolecularEnergy that solves an effective one-body problem.
- sc_Optimize
The Optimize class is an abstract base class for classes that find the extreme points of Function's.
- sc_OverlapOrthog
This class computes the orthogonalizing transform for a basis set.
- sc_P86CFunctional
Implements the Perdew 1986 (P86) correlation functional.
- sc_ParentClass
Gives one parent class of a class.
- sc_ParentClasses
Gives a list of parent classes of a class.
- sc_ParsedKeyVal
Converts textual information into keyword/value assocations.
- sc_PBECFunctional
Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) correlation functional.
- sc_PBEXFunctional
Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional.
- sc_PointGroup
The PointGroup class is really a place holder for a CharacterTable.
- sc_PointInputData
Contains data needed at each point by a DenFunctional.
- sc_PointOutputData
Contains data generated at each point by a DenFunctional.
- sc_PowellUpdate
The PowellUpdate class is used to specify a Powell hessian update.
- sc_PrefixKeyVal
PrefixKeyVal is a KeyVal that searches a different KeyVal using modified keys.
- sc_PrimPairsCints
PrimPairsCints contains primitive pair data.
- sc_ProcFileGrp
The ProcFileGrp concrete class provides an implementation of FileGrp for a single processor.
- sc_ProcMemoryGrp
The ProcMemoryGrp concrete class provides an implementation of MemoryGrp for a single processor.
- sc_ProcMessageGrp
ProcMessageGrp provides a concrete specialization of MessageGrp that supports only one node.
- sc_ProcThreadGrp
The ProcThreadGrp class privides a concrete thread group appropriate for an environment where there is only one thread.
- sc_ProgrammingError
This is thrown when a situations arises that should be impossible.
- sc_PsiCCSD
PsiCCSD is a concrete implementation of Psi CCSD wave function.
- sc_PsiCCSD_T
PsiCCSD_T is a concrete implementation of Psi CCSD(T) wave function.
- sc_PsiCLHF
PsiCLHF is a concrete implementation of Psi RHF wave function.
- sc_PsiExEnv
PsiExEnv specifies a Psi calculation.
- sc_PsiFile11
PsiFile11 is a Psi gradient file.
- sc_PsiHSOSHF
PsiHSOSHF is a concrete implementation of Psi ROHF wave function.
- sc_PsiInput
PsiInput is a Psi input file.
- sc_PsiSCF
PsiSCF is an abstract base for all Psi SCF wave functions.
- sc_PsiUHF
PsiUHF is a concrete implementation of Psi UHF wave function.
- sc_PsiWavefunction
PsiWavefunction is an abstract base for all Psi wave functions.
- sc_PthreadThreadGrp
The PthreadThreadGrp class privides a concrete thread group appropriate for an environment where pthreads is available.
- sc_PumaThreadGrp
The PumaThreadGrp class privides a concrete thread group appropriate for the intel teraflops machine.
- sc_put_data
Store a primitive data object on a card
- sc_PW86XFunctional
Implements the Perdew-Wang 1986 (PW86) Exchange functional.
- sc_PW91CFunctional
The Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.
- sc_PW91XFunctional
The Perdew-Wang 1991 exchange functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.
- sc_PW92LCFunctional
Implements the PW92 local (LSDA) correlation term.
- sc_PZ81LCFunctional
Implements the PZ81 local (LSDA) correlation functional.